Simon Chandler, Forbes; UK Government Plans To Open Public Transport Data To Third Parties
"The launch is a significant victory for big data. Occasionally derided as a faddish megatrend or empty buzzword,
the announcement of the Bus Open Data Service shows that national
governments are willing to harness masses of data and use them to create
new services and economic opportunities. Similarly, it's also a victory
for the internet of things, insofar as real-time data from buses will
be involved in providing users with up-to-date travel info.
That said, the involvement of big data inevitably invites fears surrounding privacy and surveillance."
Issues and developments related to ethics, information, and technologies, examined in the ethics and intellectual property graduate courses I teach at the University of Pittsburgh School of Computing and Information. My Bloomsbury book "Ethics, Information, and Technology" will be published in January 2026. Kip Currier, PhD, JD
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
A Surveillance Net Blankets China’s Cities, Giving Police Vast Powers; The New York Times, December 17, 2019
Paul Mozur and Aaron Krolik, The New York Times; A Surveillance Net Blankets China’s Cities, Giving Police Vast Powers
""China is ramping up its ability to spy on
its nearly 1.4 billion people to new and disturbing levels, giving the
world a blueprint for how to build a digital totalitarian state.
Chinese authorities are knitting together old and state-of-the-art technologies — phone scanners, facial-recognition cameras, face and fingerprint databases and many others — into sweeping tools for authoritarian control, according to police and private databases examined by The New York Times."
Thursday, December 12, 2019
U.S. lab chimps were dumped on Liberia’s Monkey Island and left to starve. He saved them.; The Washington Post, December 12, 2019
Danielle Paquette, The Washington Post; U.S. lab chimps were dumped on Liberia’s Monkey Island and left to starve. He saved them.
"Animal testing has existed since doctors in ancient Greece studied the anatomy of rodents — an estimated 115 million creatures are still used each year in research worldwide — but rarely is the aftermath so visible. Rarely is it so hungry.
colony of 66 chimpanzees, which never learned to survive in the wild,
eats roughly 500 pounds of produce each day, plus a weekly batch of
hard-boiled eggs for protein. They rely on money from a charity abroad
and the devotion of men who’ve known them since they lived in steel
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Elsevier signs first open-access deal in the United States; Science, November 25, 2019
Science News Staff, Science; Elsevier signs first open-access deal in the United States
"Publishing giant Elsevier has signed its first open-access deal with a U.S. institution, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Inside Higher Ed reports. The arrangement, which CMU announced on 21 November, will allow CMU scholars to publish articles in any Elsevier journal on an immediately free-to-read basis. CMU researchers will also continue to have access to paywalled Elsevier articles, which previous contracts covered with subscription fees.
CMU did not disclose the cost of the arrangement, which has been a sticking point in Elsevier’s open-access negotiations with other research institutions. After the University of California system insisted on a price cut, Elsevier’s negotiations failed in February; in April, a research consortium in Norway cut a deal with Elsevier similar to CMU’s, while agreeing to a price hike. “All I can say is that we achieved the financial objectives we set out to achieve,” Keith Webster, dean of CMU’s university libraries and director of emerging and integrative media initiatives, tells Inside Higher Ed.
CMU researchers only publish about 175 papers annually in Elsevier journals. That low volume gives Elsevier an opportunity to test the 4-year arrangement with relatively low financial risk."
"Publishing giant Elsevier has signed its first open-access deal with a U.S. institution, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Inside Higher Ed reports. The arrangement, which CMU announced on 21 November, will allow CMU scholars to publish articles in any Elsevier journal on an immediately free-to-read basis. CMU researchers will also continue to have access to paywalled Elsevier articles, which previous contracts covered with subscription fees.
CMU did not disclose the cost of the arrangement, which has been a sticking point in Elsevier’s open-access negotiations with other research institutions. After the University of California system insisted on a price cut, Elsevier’s negotiations failed in February; in April, a research consortium in Norway cut a deal with Elsevier similar to CMU’s, while agreeing to a price hike. “All I can say is that we achieved the financial objectives we set out to achieve,” Keith Webster, dean of CMU’s university libraries and director of emerging and integrative media initiatives, tells Inside Higher Ed.
CMU researchers only publish about 175 papers annually in Elsevier journals. That low volume gives Elsevier an opportunity to test the 4-year arrangement with relatively low financial risk."
SpaceX Just Retroactively Put Copyright Restrictions on Its Photos; Motherboard, December 11, 2019
Karl Bode, Motherboard;
"As SpaceX began supplanting NASA in humanity’s quest to explore outer space, Motherboard pondered in 2015 what would happen to the public’s unfettered access to space imagery data (images taken by NASA are in the public domain and can be used by anyone for almost any purpose.) Thankfully, SpaceX soon after made the important decision to offer mission images under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) License, allowing them to be freely shared and even remixed by anyone. This is the least-restrictive Creative Commons license in existence and allows anyone to use the photos for almost anything (you could, for example, make and sell a photo book or calendar of SpaceX images if you wanted to.)
But a little noticed change to the SpaceX Flickr account this week stripped away the CC0 license affixed to the company’s images, replacing it with an “Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic” license. That, in turn, imposed notable and potentially confusing restrictions on how those images can be shared and re-used."
SpaceX Just Retroactively Put Copyright Restrictions on Its Photos
"As SpaceX began supplanting NASA in humanity’s quest to explore outer space, Motherboard pondered in 2015 what would happen to the public’s unfettered access to space imagery data (images taken by NASA are in the public domain and can be used by anyone for almost any purpose.) Thankfully, SpaceX soon after made the important decision to offer mission images under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) License, allowing them to be freely shared and even remixed by anyone. This is the least-restrictive Creative Commons license in existence and allows anyone to use the photos for almost anything (you could, for example, make and sell a photo book or calendar of SpaceX images if you wanted to.)
But a little noticed change to the SpaceX Flickr account this week stripped away the CC0 license affixed to the company’s images, replacing it with an “Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic” license. That, in turn, imposed notable and potentially confusing restrictions on how those images can be shared and re-used."
Why “Move Fast and Break Things” Doesn’t Work Anymore; Harvard Business Review, December 10, 2019
Greg Satell, Harvard Business Review; Why “Move Fast and Break Things” Doesn’t Work Anymore
"Shift 2: From Rapid Iteration to Exploration. Over the past 30 years, we’ve had the luxury of working with technologies we understand extremely well. Every generation of microchips opened vast new possibilities, but worked exactly the same way as the last generation, creating minimal switching costs. The main challenge was to design applications.
So it shouldn’t be surprising that rapid iteration emerged as a key strategy. When you understand the fundamental technology that underlies a product or service, you can move quickly, trying out nearly endless permutations until you arrive at an optimized solution. That’s often far more effective than a more planned, deliberate approach.
Over the next decade or two, however, the challenge will be to advance technology that we don’t understand well at all. Quantum and neuromorphic computing are still in their nascent stages. Exponential improvements in genomics and materials science are redefining the boundaries of those fields. There are also ethical issues involved with artificial intelligence and genomics that will require us to tread carefully.
So in the future, we will need to put greater emphasis on exploration. We will need to spend time understanding these new technologies and how they relate to our businesses. Most of all, it’s imperative to start exploring early. By the time many of these technologies hit their stride, it may be too late to catch up."
"Shift 2: From Rapid Iteration to Exploration. Over the past 30 years, we’ve had the luxury of working with technologies we understand extremely well. Every generation of microchips opened vast new possibilities, but worked exactly the same way as the last generation, creating minimal switching costs. The main challenge was to design applications.
So it shouldn’t be surprising that rapid iteration emerged as a key strategy. When you understand the fundamental technology that underlies a product or service, you can move quickly, trying out nearly endless permutations until you arrive at an optimized solution. That’s often far more effective than a more planned, deliberate approach.
Over the next decade or two, however, the challenge will be to advance technology that we don’t understand well at all. Quantum and neuromorphic computing are still in their nascent stages. Exponential improvements in genomics and materials science are redefining the boundaries of those fields. There are also ethical issues involved with artificial intelligence and genomics that will require us to tread carefully.
So in the future, we will need to put greater emphasis on exploration. We will need to spend time understanding these new technologies and how they relate to our businesses. Most of all, it’s imperative to start exploring early. By the time many of these technologies hit their stride, it may be too late to catch up."
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Archivists Are Trying to Make Sure a ‘Pirate Bay of Science’ Never Goes Down; Vice, December 2, 2019
Matthew Gault, Vice;
"...[O]ver the last few years, two sites—Library Genesis and Sci-Hub—have become high-profile, widely used resources for pirating scientific papers.
The problem is that these sites have had a lot of difficulty actually staying online. They have faced both legal challenges and logistical hosting problems that has knocked them offline for long periods of time. But a new project by data hoarders and freedom of information activists hopes to bring some stability to one of the two “Pirate Bays of Science...
“It's the largest free library in the world, servicing tens of thousands of scientists and medical professionals around the world who live in developing countries that can't afford to buy books and scientific journals. There's almost nothing else like this on Earth. They're using torrents to fulfill World Health Organization and U.N. charters. And it's not just one site index—it's a network of mirrored sites, where a new one pops up every time another gets taken down,” user shrine said on Reddit."
Archivists Are Trying to Make Sure a ‘Pirate Bay of Science’ Never Goes Down
"...[O]ver the last few years, two sites—Library Genesis and Sci-Hub—have become high-profile, widely used resources for pirating scientific papers.
The problem is that these sites have had a lot of difficulty actually staying online. They have faced both legal challenges and logistical hosting problems that has knocked them offline for long periods of time. But a new project by data hoarders and freedom of information activists hopes to bring some stability to one of the two “Pirate Bays of Science...
“It's the largest free library in the world, servicing tens of thousands of scientists and medical professionals around the world who live in developing countries that can't afford to buy books and scientific journals. There's almost nothing else like this on Earth. They're using torrents to fulfill World Health Organization and U.N. charters. And it's not just one site index—it's a network of mirrored sites, where a new one pops up every time another gets taken down,” user shrine said on Reddit."
Who owns the law in Georgia?; The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, November 29, 2019
Bill Rankin, Atlanta Journal Constitution; Who owns the law in Georgia?
"“If the (appeals court’s) decision is affirmed, publishers will no longer be able to rely on sales of copyrighted works to recoup their costs for preparing annotations,” said Johnson, also a Washington attorney. “Therefore, states will either need to use taxpayer dollars to pay the publishers or stop offering annotated versions of their official codes.”
Thirteen states and the District of Columbia offered similar sentiments in a legal brief filed with the high court...
Malamud’s case has received support in friend-of-the-court briefs filed by a wide variety of groups, including the American Library Association, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Intellectual Property Association and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which was joined by Gannett Co., the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times.
“If the First Amendment requires public access to criminal trials so that citizens may oversee and participate in government, then citizens must also have access to the laws that organize their society (and that form the basis of those criminal trials),” the media organizations said.""
"“If the (appeals court’s) decision is affirmed, publishers will no longer be able to rely on sales of copyrighted works to recoup their costs for preparing annotations,” said Johnson, also a Washington attorney. “Therefore, states will either need to use taxpayer dollars to pay the publishers or stop offering annotated versions of their official codes.”
Thirteen states and the District of Columbia offered similar sentiments in a legal brief filed with the high court...
Malamud’s case has received support in friend-of-the-court briefs filed by a wide variety of groups, including the American Library Association, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Intellectual Property Association and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which was joined by Gannett Co., the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times.
“If the First Amendment requires public access to criminal trials so that citizens may oversee and participate in government, then citizens must also have access to the laws that organize their society (and that form the basis of those criminal trials),” the media organizations said.""
Should You Be Allowed to Copyright a Law? We're Going to Find Out; Gizmodo, December 4, 2019
Whitney Kimball, Gizmodo; Should You Be Allowed to Copyright a Law? We're Going to Find Out
"Copyright law, boring on its face, has posed various unprecedented threats to intellectual freedoms in recent internet history. It threatens to kill our links, kill our news, kill our memes, kill our precious videos of babies dancing to Prince. And yesterday, the Supreme Court considered the momentously stupid question: should you be able to paywall a law?"
"Copyright law, boring on its face, has posed various unprecedented threats to intellectual freedoms in recent internet history. It threatens to kill our links, kill our news, kill our memes, kill our precious videos of babies dancing to Prince. And yesterday, the Supreme Court considered the momentously stupid question: should you be able to paywall a law?"
Open Access: SCOTUS will consider whether publishers can copyright annotated state codes; ABA Journal, November 27, 2019
Mark Walsh, ABA Journal; Open Access: SCOTUS will consider whether publishers can copyright annotated state codes
"The question in Georgia v. Public.Resource.Org Inc. is whether a work such as the Official Code of Georgia Annotated may not be copyrighted because it falls under the doctrine of “government edicts.” The doctrine stems from a series of 19th-century Supreme Court cases holding that judicial writings and other official legal works published under state authority are not “the proper subject of private copyright,” as an 1888 decision put it."
"The question in Georgia v. Public.Resource.Org Inc. is whether a work such as the Official Code of Georgia Annotated may not be copyrighted because it falls under the doctrine of “government edicts.” The doctrine stems from a series of 19th-century Supreme Court cases holding that judicial writings and other official legal works published under state authority are not “the proper subject of private copyright,” as an 1888 decision put it."
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
China Uses DNA to Map Faces, With Help From the West; The New York Times, December 3, 2019
Sui-Lee Wee and Paul Mozur, The New York Times; China Uses DNA to Map Faces, With Help From the West
Beijing’s pursuit of control over a Muslim ethnic group pushes the rules of science and raises questions about consent.
"The Chinese government is building
“essentially technologies used for hunting people,” said Mark
Munsterhjelm, an assistant professor at the University of Windsor in
Ontario who tracks Chinese interest in the technology.
In the world of science, Dr. Munsterhjelm said, “there’s a kind of culture of complacency that has now given way to complicity.""
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
NYC wants a chief algorithm officer to counter bias, build transparency; Ars Technica, November 25, 2019
Kate Cox, Ars Technica; NYC wants a chief algorithm officer to counter bias, build transparency
"It takes a lot of automation to make the nation's largest city run, but it's easy for that kind of automation to perpetuate existing problems and fall unevenly on the residents it's supposed to serve. So to mitigate the harms and ideally increase the benefits, New York City has created a high-level city government position essentially to manage algorithms."
"It takes a lot of automation to make the nation's largest city run, but it's easy for that kind of automation to perpetuate existing problems and fall unevenly on the residents it's supposed to serve. So to mitigate the harms and ideally increase the benefits, New York City has created a high-level city government position essentially to manage algorithms."
Monday, November 25, 2019
China Didn’t Want Us to Know. Now Its Own Files Are Doing the Talking.; The New York Times, November 24, 2019
Adrian Zenz, The New York Times;
China Didn’t Want Us to Know. Now Its Own Files Are Doing the Talking.
More disclosures reveal the full impact of the government’s repression of ethnic minorities — well beyond re-education camps.
"This Sunday, the contents of two more sets of documents — all of which I have reviewed —
are being disclosed. Among the first batch, also leaked, is a
confidential telegram signed by Zhu Hailun, Xinjiang’s deputy party
secretary, which details how local authorities should manage and operate
the “vocational skills training centers” — a euphemism for the
internment camps. (All translations here are mine.) The second set of
documents, a large cache of files and spreadsheets from local
governments, reveals the internment campaign’s devastating economic and
social impact on the families and communities it targets...
Thanks to these new document disclosures, we now have hard evidence — and the government’s own evidence — that
in addition to implementing a vast internment program in Xinjiang, the
Chinese Communist Party is deliberately breaking up families and forcing
them into poverty and a form of indentured labor. For all its efforts
at secrecy, the Chinese government can no longer hide the extent, and
the reach, of its campaign of repression in Xinjiang.
Some important elements are still unknown. The total internment figure
remains a well-guarded secret. (Based on the new evidence, I have
revised my own estimate: I think that between 900,000 and 1.8 million
people have been detained in Xinjiang since the spring of 2017.) Also
missing from the official documents that have surfaced so far are
precise records of how the detainees are treated and how, exactly, the
process of re-education works. (About those things, however, we have witness accounts.)
The confidential telegram and local files do not mention the use of
physical violence — but for one notable exception. The telegram states
that people who resist brainwashing must be singled out for
“assault-style re-education.” Yet another sinister understatement, and
it suggests that force and torture may, in fact, be widely used."
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Data leak reveals how China 'brainwashes' Uighurs in prison camps; BBC, November 24, 2019
BBC; Data leak reveals how China 'brainwashes' Uighurs in prison camps
"The leaked Chinese government documents, which the ICIJ have labelled "The China Cables", include a nine-page memo sent out in 2017 by Zhu Hailun, then deputy-secretary of Xinjiang's Communist Party and the region's top security official, to those who run the camps...
The memo includes orders to:
"Implement behavioural norms and discipline requirements for getting up, roll call, washing, going to the toilet, organising and housekeeping, eating, studying, sleeping, closing the door and so forth."...
The leaked documents also reveal how the Chinese government uses mass surveillance and a predictive-policing programme that analyses personal data."
"The leaked Chinese government documents, which the ICIJ have labelled "The China Cables", include a nine-page memo sent out in 2017 by Zhu Hailun, then deputy-secretary of Xinjiang's Communist Party and the region's top security official, to those who run the camps...
The memo includes orders to:
- "Never allow escapes"
- "Increase discipline and punishment of behavioural violations"
- "Promote repentance and confession"
- "Make remedial Mandarin studies the top priority"
- "Encourage students to truly transform"
- "[Ensure] full video surveillance coverage of dormitories and classrooms free of blind spots"
"Implement behavioural norms and discipline requirements for getting up, roll call, washing, going to the toilet, organising and housekeeping, eating, studying, sleeping, closing the door and so forth."...
The leaked documents also reveal how the Chinese government uses mass surveillance and a predictive-policing programme that analyses personal data."
I used to hate Mister Rogers. Then I discovered how much I needed him.; The Washington Post, November 22, 2019
Martha Manning, The Washington Post; I used to hate Mister Rogers. Then I discovered how much I needed him.
Rogers gave comfort. He didn’t sell it. He didn’t knock us over the
head with it. It wasn’t cool or sexy or easy. He considered the space
between the television set and the viewer to be “sacred,” something millions of children understood — and that their parents forgot.
a shame, because we were the ones who needed Mister Rogers’s wisdom
most of all. The big words, long explanations and instructions about how
to be and what to do that we favored often gave us little solace.
Instead, we needed an honest voice who considered the darkness and met
it with hope, who recognized self-hatred and met it with compassion.
a child, Mister Rogers became extremely frightened by something on the
news and wondered how he would ever be safe. His mother gave him simple
but profound advice. “Always look for the helpers,”
she told him, with the quiet certainty that they could always be found.
Who are the helpers right here, right now, in our troubled lives?"
Anti-harassment policy raises First Amendment questions; University of Pittsburgh University Times, November 18, 2019
Marty Levine, University of Pittsburgh University Times; Anti-harassment policy raises First Amendment questions
"Members of the University Senate’s Faculty Affairs committee say they have met with University officials and voiced concerns that a proposed new anti-harassment measure may potentially stifle classroom discussion and require the entire Pitt community to report suspicious speech to University authorities.
After the meeting, the policy was pulled from a vote before Faculty Assembly."
"Members of the University Senate’s Faculty Affairs committee say they have met with University officials and voiced concerns that a proposed new anti-harassment measure may potentially stifle classroom discussion and require the entire Pitt community to report suspicious speech to University authorities.
After the meeting, the policy was pulled from a vote before Faculty Assembly."
‘I don’t know what to believe’ is an unpatriotic cop-out. Do better, Americans.; The Washington Post, November 19, 2019
Margaret Sullivan, The Washington Post;
‘I don’t know what to believe’ is an unpatriotic cop-out. Do better, Americans.
the Times article and Florida Man all point to the same thing: A lot of
Americans don’t know much and won’t exert themselves beyond their echo
chambers to find out.
This is the way a democracy self-destructs...
Subscribe to a national newspaper and go beyond the headlines into the
substance of the main articles; subscribe to your local newspaper and
read it thoroughly — in print, if possible; watch the top of “PBS
NewsHour” every night; watch the first 15 minutes of the half-hour
broadcast nightly news; tune in to a public-radio news broadcast; do a
simple fact-check search when you hear conflicting claims.
For those who can’t afford to subscribe to newspapers, almost all public libraries can provide access...
For those who can’t afford to subscribe to newspapers, almost all public libraries can provide access...
Walter Shaub, former director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics,
noted Tuesday on Twitter, it was on Nov. 19, 1863, that President
Lincoln challenged his fellow citizens to rise to a “great task.”
must dedicate themselves to ensuring, Lincoln urged in the Gettysburg
Address, “that government of the people, by the people, for the people,
shall not perish from the earth.”
So, too, in this historic moment.
all, authoritarianism loves nothing more than a know-nothing vacuum:
people who throw up their hands and say they can’t tell facts from lies.
And democracy needs news consumers — let’s call them patriotic citizens — who stay informed and act accordingly.
Flag-waving is fine. But truth-seeking is what really matters."
Friday, November 22, 2019
Shepard Smith, Late of Fox News, Gives $500,000 to a Free Press Group; The New York Times, November 21, 2019
Michael M. Grynbaum, The New York Times; Shepard Smith, Late of Fox News, Gives $500,000 to a Free Press Group
"“Our belief a decade ago that the online revolution would liberate us
now seems a bit premature, doesn’t it?” Mr. Smith said in his customary
Mississippi lilt. “Autocrats have learned how to use those same online
tools to shore up their power. They flood the world of information with
garbage and lies, masquerading as news. There’s a phrase for that.”...
The Committee to Protect Journalists,
founded in 1981, works to advance press freedoms, particularly in
dictatorial and autocratic countries. In recent years, speakers at its
gala have increasingly referred to Mr. Trump’s attacks on the press and
the hostile atmosphere faced by American journalists.
On Thursday, the group presented its Gwen Ifill Press Freedom Award to Zaffar Abbas, the editor of a daily Pakistani newspaper, Dawn. The other honorees were PatrÃcia Campos Mello, a journalist at a Brazilian publication, Folha de S. Paulo; Neha Dixit, a freelance investigative journalist in India; two Nicaraguan broadcast journalists, LucÃa Pineda Ubau and Miguel Mora, who were imprisoned for 172 days on false charges; and Maxence Melo Mubyazi, a journalist in Tanzania."
Congress Introduces AM-FM Act to Revise Copyright Law for Terrestrial Radio; Variety, November 21, 2019
Jem Aswad, Variety; Congress Introduces AM-FM Act to Revise Copyright Law for Terrestrial Radio
"Senator Marsha Blackburn and Rep. Jerrold Nadler today introduced the Ask Musicians for Music Act (AM-FM), which aims to revise existing copyright law for radio stations and musicians.
Under the current copyright system, radio stations can use sound recordings over their airwaves without paying royalties to creators who own a stake in the sound recordings. The AM-FM Act would require all radio services to pay fair-market value for the music they use...
“When music creators share their wonderful gift with the world, we hear songs that inspire and unite us. We should encourage such thriving talent and ensure the music community is properly compensated for their work,” said Senator Blackburn, who introduced the bill in the Senate. “The AM-FM Act will reward singers, songwriters and musicians for their hard work when their music is played on the radio.”
"Senator Marsha Blackburn and Rep. Jerrold Nadler today introduced the Ask Musicians for Music Act (AM-FM), which aims to revise existing copyright law for radio stations and musicians.
Under the current copyright system, radio stations can use sound recordings over their airwaves without paying royalties to creators who own a stake in the sound recordings. The AM-FM Act would require all radio services to pay fair-market value for the music they use...
“When music creators share their wonderful gift with the world, we hear songs that inspire and unite us. We should encourage such thriving talent and ensure the music community is properly compensated for their work,” said Senator Blackburn, who introduced the bill in the Senate. “The AM-FM Act will reward singers, songwriters and musicians for their hard work when their music is played on the radio.”
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Chairman of the House Judiciary
Committee, introduced companion legislation in the House of
Representatives. “The United States is an outlier in the world for not
requiring broadcast radio to pay artists when playing their music, while
requiring satellite and internet radio to pay,” he said. “This is
unfair to both artists and music providers. I’m proud to sponsor the Ask
Musician for Music Act of 2019 which would give artists and copyright
owners the right to make a choice to allow AM/FM radio to use their work
for free or to seek compensation for their work. The bill would also
allow them to negotiate rates with broadcasters in exchange for
permission for it to be aired.”"
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Americans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control Over Their Personal Information; Pew Research Center, November 15, 2019
Brooke Auxier, Lee Rainie, Monica Anderson, Andrew Perrin, Madhu Kumar, and Erica Turner, Pew Research Center;
"Data-driven products and services are often marketed with the potential to save users time and money or even lead to better health and well-being. Still, large shares of U.S. adults are not convinced they benefit from this system of widespread data gathering. Some 81% of the public say that the potential risks they face because of data collection by companies outweigh the benefits, and 66% say the same about government data collection. At the same time, a majority of Americans report being concerned about the way their data is being used by companies (79%) or the government (64%). Most also feel they have little or no control over how these entities use their personal information, according to a new survey of U.S. adults by Pew Research Center that explores how Americans feel about the state of privacy in the nation.
Americans’ concerns about digital privacy extend to those who collect, store and use their personal information. Additionally, majorities of the public are not confident that corporations are good stewards of the data they collect. For example, 79% of Americans say they are not too or not at all confident that companies will admit mistakes and take responsibility if they misuse or compromise personal information, and 69% report having this same lack of confidence that firms will use their personal information in ways they will be comfortable with."
Americans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control Over Their Personal Information
Majorities think their personal data is less secure now, that data collection poses more risks than benefits, and believe it is not possible to go through daily life without being tracked
"Data-driven products and services are often marketed with the potential to save users time and money or even lead to better health and well-being. Still, large shares of U.S. adults are not convinced they benefit from this system of widespread data gathering. Some 81% of the public say that the potential risks they face because of data collection by companies outweigh the benefits, and 66% say the same about government data collection. At the same time, a majority of Americans report being concerned about the way their data is being used by companies (79%) or the government (64%). Most also feel they have little or no control over how these entities use their personal information, according to a new survey of U.S. adults by Pew Research Center that explores how Americans feel about the state of privacy in the nation.
Americans’ concerns about digital privacy extend to those who collect, store and use their personal information. Additionally, majorities of the public are not confident that corporations are good stewards of the data they collect. For example, 79% of Americans say they are not too or not at all confident that companies will admit mistakes and take responsibility if they misuse or compromise personal information, and 69% report having this same lack of confidence that firms will use their personal information in ways they will be comfortable with."
Why Business Leaders Need to Understand Their Algorithms; Harvard Business Review, November 19, 2019
Mike Walsh, Harvard Business Review; Why Business Leaders Need to Understand Their Algorithms
"Leaders will be challenged by shareholders, customers, and regulators on what they optimize for. There will be lawsuits that require you to reveal the human decisions behind the design of your AI systems, what ethical and social concerns you took into account, the origins and methods by which you procured your training data, and how well you monitored the results of those systems for traces of bias or discrimination. Document your decisions carefully and make sure you understand, or at the very least trust, the algorithmic processes at the heart of your business.
Simply arguing that your AI platform was a black box that no one understood is unlikely to be a successful legal defense in the 21st century. It will be about as convincing as “the algorithm made me do it.”"
"Leaders will be challenged by shareholders, customers, and regulators on what they optimize for. There will be lawsuits that require you to reveal the human decisions behind the design of your AI systems, what ethical and social concerns you took into account, the origins and methods by which you procured your training data, and how well you monitored the results of those systems for traces of bias or discrimination. Document your decisions carefully and make sure you understand, or at the very least trust, the algorithmic processes at the heart of your business.
Simply arguing that your AI platform was a black box that no one understood is unlikely to be a successful legal defense in the 21st century. It will be about as convincing as “the algorithm made me do it.”"
Consumer DNA Testing May Be the Biggest Health Scam of the Decade; Gizmodo, November 20, 2019
Ed Cara, Gizmodo; Consumer DNA Testing May Be the Biggest Health Scam of the Decade
"This test, as well as many of those
offered by the hundreds of big and small DNA testing companies on the
market, illustrates the uncertainty of personalized consumer genetics.
bet that companies like 23andMe are making is that they can untangle
this mess and translate their results back to people in a way that won’t
cross the line into deceptive marketing while still convincing their
customers they truly matter. Other companies have teamed up
with outside labs and doctors to look over customers’ genes and have
hired genetic counselors to go over their results, which might place
them on safer legal and medical ground. But it still raises the question
of whether people will benefit from the information they get. And
because our knowledge of the relationship between genes and health is constantly changing, it’s very much possible the DNA test you take in 2020 will tell you a totally different story by 2030."
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The collapse of the information ecosystem poses profound risks for humanity; The Guardian, November 19, 2019
Lydia Polgreen, The Guardian; The collapse of the information ecosystem poses profound risks for humanity
"When the scientists behind the Doomsday clock published their yearly assessment of how close we are to planetary doom, they added a new dimension to the dual threats of nuclear proliferation and climate change, namely “the intentional corruption of the information ecosystem on which modern civilization depends”.
What we’ve seen in recent years isn’t just the collapse of informational authority. It is the destruction of the pact between the purveyors of quality information and the businesses that wanted to reach the consumers of that information...
Just as companies decarbonize their businesses, they should think carefully about how they contribute to the destruction of our information ecosystem and choose to reach consumers on platforms that slow rather than increase the pace of information ecosystem collapse."
"When the scientists behind the Doomsday clock published their yearly assessment of how close we are to planetary doom, they added a new dimension to the dual threats of nuclear proliferation and climate change, namely “the intentional corruption of the information ecosystem on which modern civilization depends”.
What we’ve seen in recent years isn’t just the collapse of informational authority. It is the destruction of the pact between the purveyors of quality information and the businesses that wanted to reach the consumers of that information...
Just as companies decarbonize their businesses, they should think carefully about how they contribute to the destruction of our information ecosystem and choose to reach consumers on platforms that slow rather than increase the pace of information ecosystem collapse."
The flat-Earth conspiracy is spreading around the globe. Does it hide a darker core?; CNN, November 18, 2019
Rob Picheta, CNN; The flat-Earth conspiracy is spreading around the globe. Does it hide a darker core?
"But the alleged rapid growth of a movement so enthusiastically rejecting fundamental scientific beliefs does have some worried.
"It seems that increasingly, people don't trust scientists and experts, or their motives," Douglas says. "More research needs to be done in this area, and I'm sure there are some positive consequences to believing in conspiracy theories, but early indications suggests that they are more harm than help.""
"But the alleged rapid growth of a movement so enthusiastically rejecting fundamental scientific beliefs does have some worried.
"It seems that increasingly, people don't trust scientists and experts, or their motives," Douglas says. "More research needs to be done in this area, and I'm sure there are some positive consequences to believing in conspiracy theories, but early indications suggests that they are more harm than help.""
Sunday, November 17, 2019
‘Absolutely No Mercy’: Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass Detentions of Muslims; The New York Times, November 16, 2019
Austin Ramzi and Chris Buckley, The New York Times; ‘Absolutely No Mercy’: Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass Detentions of Muslims
"The directive was among 403 pages of internal documents that have been shared with The New York Times in one of the most significant leaks of government papers from inside China’s ruling Communist Party in decades. They provide an unprecedented inside view of the continuing clampdown in Xinjiang, in which the authorities have corralled as many as a million ethnic Uighurs, Kazakhs and others into internment camps and prisons over the past three years.
The party has rejected international criticism of the camps and described them as job-training centers that use mild methods to fight Islamic extremism. But the documents confirm the coercive nature of the crackdown in the words and orders of the very officials who conceived and orchestrated it.
Even as the government presented its efforts in Xinjiang to the public as benevolent and unexceptional, it discussed and organized a ruthless and extraordinary campaign in these internal communications. Senior party leaders are recorded ordering drastic and urgent action against extremist violence, including the mass detentions, and discussing the consequences with cool detachment.
Children saw their parents taken away, students wondered who would pay their tuition and crops could not be planted or harvested for lack of manpower, the reports noted. Yet officials were directed to tell people who complained to be grateful for the Communist Party’s help and stay quiet."
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Giant Publisher Macmillan Goes To War Against Libraries; TechDirt, November 15, 2019
Mike Masnick, TechDirt; Giant Publisher Macmillan Goes To War Against Libraries
"In September, librarians around the US launched a campaign -- urging Macmillan to rethink this awful plan:
"In September, librarians around the US launched a campaign -- urging Macmillan to rethink this awful plan:
This embargo limits libraries’ ability to provide access to information for all. It particularly harms library patrons with disabilities or learning issues. One of the great things about eBooks is that they can become large-print books with only a few clicks, and most eBook readers offer fonts and line spacing that make reading easier for people who have dyslexia or other visual challenges. Because portable devices are light and easy to hold, eBooks are easier to use for some people who have physical disabilities.
Macmillan is the only major publisher restricting public libraries’ ability to purchase and lend digital content to their communities. Before the embargo took effect, we collected 160,000 signatures from readers who urged Macmillan not to go through with their plan. And we delivered these signatures in person to CEO John Sargent. Sadly, he did not listen."
Friday, November 15, 2019
Finding Truth Online Is Hard Enough: Censors Make It A Labryinth; The New York Times, November 13, 2019
Suzy Hansen, The New York Times; Finding Truth Online Is Hard Enough: Censors Make It A Labryinth
"The most insidious and damaging effect of this political purgatory is that many Turks may not even know what information they are missing...
A heavily censored society not only loses access to information; it ceases to know itself. The greatest loss the Turks face under Erdogan might be their knowledge of one another."
"The most insidious and damaging effect of this political purgatory is that many Turks may not even know what information they are missing...
A heavily censored society not only loses access to information; it ceases to know itself. The greatest loss the Turks face under Erdogan might be their knowledge of one another."
Thursday, November 14, 2019
AI and gene-editing pioneers to discuss ethics at Stanford; Stanford News, November 12, 2019
Ker Than, Stanford News; AI and gene-editing pioneers to discuss ethics at Stanford
"Upon meeting for the first time at a dinner at Stanford earlier this year, Fei-Fei Li and Jennifer Doudna couldn’t help but note the remarkable parallels in their experiences as scientists.
Both women helped kickstart twin revolutions that are profoundly reshaping society in the 21st century – Li in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and Doudna in the life sciences. Both revolutions can be traced back to 2012, the year that computer scientists collectively recognized the power of Li’s approach to training computer vision algorithms and that Doudna drew attention to a new gene-editing tool known as CRISPR-Cas9 (“CRISPR” for short). Both pioneering scientists are also driven by a growing urgency to raise awareness about the ethical dangers of the technologies they helped create."
"Upon meeting for the first time at a dinner at Stanford earlier this year, Fei-Fei Li and Jennifer Doudna couldn’t help but note the remarkable parallels in their experiences as scientists.
Both women helped kickstart twin revolutions that are profoundly reshaping society in the 21st century – Li in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and Doudna in the life sciences. Both revolutions can be traced back to 2012, the year that computer scientists collectively recognized the power of Li’s approach to training computer vision algorithms and that Doudna drew attention to a new gene-editing tool known as CRISPR-Cas9 (“CRISPR” for short). Both pioneering scientists are also driven by a growing urgency to raise awareness about the ethical dangers of the technologies they helped create."
Why Businesses Should Adopt an AI Code of Ethics -- Now; InformationWeek, November 14, 2019
Gary Grossman, InformationWeek; Why Businesses Should Adopt an AI Code of Ethics -- Now
"Adherence to AI ethics breeds trust
According to Angel Gurria, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD): “To realize the full potential of [AI] technology, we need one critical ingredient. That critical ingredient is trust. And to build trust we need human-centered artificial intelligence that fosters sustainable development and inclusive human progress.” To achieve this, he adds that there must be an ethical dimension to AI use. This all underscores the urgency for companies to create and live by a responsible AI code of ethics to govern decisions about AI development and deployment.
The EU has developed principles for ethical AI, as has the IEEE, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Tencent and other countries and corporations. As these have appeared in only the last couple of years, AI ethics is very much an evolving field. There is an opportunity and critical need for businesses to lead by creating their own set of principles embodied in an AI code of ethics to govern their AI research and development to both further the technology while also helping to create a better tomorrow."
"Adherence to AI ethics breeds trust
According to Angel Gurria, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD): “To realize the full potential of [AI] technology, we need one critical ingredient. That critical ingredient is trust. And to build trust we need human-centered artificial intelligence that fosters sustainable development and inclusive human progress.” To achieve this, he adds that there must be an ethical dimension to AI use. This all underscores the urgency for companies to create and live by a responsible AI code of ethics to govern decisions about AI development and deployment.
The EU has developed principles for ethical AI, as has the IEEE, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Tencent and other countries and corporations. As these have appeared in only the last couple of years, AI ethics is very much an evolving field. There is an opportunity and critical need for businesses to lead by creating their own set of principles embodied in an AI code of ethics to govern their AI research and development to both further the technology while also helping to create a better tomorrow."
The Ethical Dilemma at the Heart of Big Tech Companies; Harvard Business Review, November 14, 2019
Emanuel Moss and Jacob Metcalf, Harvard Business Review; The Ethical Dilemma at the Heart of Big Tech Companies
"The central challenge ethics owners are grappling with is negotiating between external pressures to respond to ethical crises at the same time that they must be responsive to the internal logics of their companies and the industry. On the one hand, external criticisms push them toward challenging core business practices and priorities. On the other hand, the logics of Silicon Valley, and of business more generally, create pressures to establish or restore predictable processes and outcomes that still serve the bottom line.
We identified three distinct logics that characterize this tension between internal and external pressures..."
I'm the Google whistleblower. The medical data of millions of Americans is at risk; The Guardian, November 14, 2019
Anonymous, The Guardian; I'm the Google whistleblower. The medical data of millions of Americans is at risk
"After a while I reached a point that I suspect is familiar to most whistleblowers, where what I was witnessing was too important for me to remain silent. Two simple questions kept hounding me: did patients know about the transfer of their data to the tech giant? Should they be informed and given a chance to opt in or out?
The answer to the first question quickly became apparent: no. The answer to the second I became increasingly convinced about: yes. Put the two together, and how could I say nothing?
So much is at stake. Data security is important in any field, but when that data relates to the personal details of an individual’s health, it is of the utmost importance as this is the last frontier of data privacy.
With a deal as sensitive as the transfer of the personal data of more than 50 million Americans to Google the oversight should be extensive. Every aspect needed to be pored over to ensure that it complied with federal rules controlling the confidential handling of protected health information under the 1996 HIPAA legislation."
"After a while I reached a point that I suspect is familiar to most whistleblowers, where what I was witnessing was too important for me to remain silent. Two simple questions kept hounding me: did patients know about the transfer of their data to the tech giant? Should they be informed and given a chance to opt in or out?
The answer to the first question quickly became apparent: no. The answer to the second I became increasingly convinced about: yes. Put the two together, and how could I say nothing?
So much is at stake. Data security is important in any field, but when that data relates to the personal details of an individual’s health, it is of the utmost importance as this is the last frontier of data privacy.
With a deal as sensitive as the transfer of the personal data of more than 50 million Americans to Google the oversight should be extensive. Every aspect needed to be pored over to ensure that it complied with federal rules controlling the confidential handling of protected health information under the 1996 HIPAA legislation."
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
GQ, Nat Geo and Cosmo are banned in Arizona prisons. A judge said the rules need to explain why.; The Washington Post, November 12, 2019
Lateshia Beachum, The Washington Post; GQ, Nat Geo and Cosmo are banned in Arizona prisons. A judge said the rules need to explain why.
"The Arizona Department of Corrections must define clear rules about what prisoners can read, according to a district judge...
The judge’s decision underscores the problem of censoring inmate reading material and the indeterminate manner in which jails and prisons prohibit or grant what incarcerated people can read, prisoner rights advocates say."
"The Arizona Department of Corrections must define clear rules about what prisoners can read, according to a district judge...
The judge’s decision underscores the problem of censoring inmate reading material and the indeterminate manner in which jails and prisons prohibit or grant what incarcerated people can read, prisoner rights advocates say."
Senior Trump official embellished résumé, had face on fake Time cover; NBC News, November 12, 2019
Dan De Luce, Laura Strickler and Ari Sen, NBC News; Senior Trump official embellished résumé, had face on fake Time cover
"A senior Trump administration official has
embellished her résumé with misleading claims about her professional
background — even creating a fake Time magazine cover with her face on it — raising questions about her qualifications to hold a top position at the State Department.
NBC News investigation found that Mina Chang, the deputy assistant
secretary in the State Department's Bureau of Conflict and Stability
Operations, has inflated her educational achievements and exaggerated
the scope of her nonprofit's work.
was being considered for an even bigger government job, one with a
budget of more than $1 billion, until Congress started asking questions
about her résumé."
Engineers need a required course in ethics; Quartz, November 8, 2019
Kush Saxena; Engineers need a required course in ethics
"The higher education sector cannot ignore its role in
preparing students for the future of work as quite literally the purpose
it serves. That includes integrating ethics into comprehensive computer
science curricula.
Universities like MIT are leading the way
by creating research collaborations across disciplines such as law and
government, finding ways to embed topics around the societal impact of
computing into the technical curriculum.
This type
of rigorous education shouldn’t be accessible only to students who can
get into elite universities. As more jobs require engineering skills,
all institutions—from coding boot camps to community college courses to
advanced state-funded PhD programs—need to follow suit."
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Whodunit in the Library: Someone Keeps Hiding the Anti-Trump Books; The New York Times, November 10, 2019
Mike Baker, The New York Times;Whodunit in the Library: Someone Keeps Hiding the Anti-Trump Books
"Ms. Ammon said she asked the caller to provide a list of books that should be in the stacks, and while the person failed to provide one, she suspects the library already has whatever might be on it.
“We serve the entire community,” Ms. Ammon said...
"Ms. Ammon said she asked the caller to provide a list of books that should be in the stacks, and while the person failed to provide one, she suspects the library already has whatever might be on it.
“We serve the entire community,” Ms. Ammon said...
Through it all, Ms. Ammon said, the
library has managed to maintain the diversity of its shelves. In the
nonfiction stacks, a book by Al Franken, the former Democratic senator,
sits right next to one by Newt Gingrich, the former Republican
“The Dewey decimal system is a great equalizer,” Ms. Ammon said."
Citrus County, Fla., leaders don’t like the New York Times. That doesn’t justify keeping it out of their libraries.; The Washington Post, November 9, 2019
Anthony Marx, The Washington Post; Citrus County, Fla., leaders don’t like the New York Times. That doesn’t justify keeping it out of their libraries.
"Libraries have always been at the foundation of our democracy, existing to arm the public with the information people need to make informed decisions and reach logical conclusions. Libraries are trusted sources of this information precisely because they do not judge, reject or accept the information based on politics or opinion. They provide it, and as technology has changed over the decades, they adapt to provide it the way patrons want it.
Despite all of this, the commissioners of Citrus County chose to reject the library system’s request. I am well aware of the financial difficulties public libraries face...
"Libraries have always been at the foundation of our democracy, existing to arm the public with the information people need to make informed decisions and reach logical conclusions. Libraries are trusted sources of this information precisely because they do not judge, reject or accept the information based on politics or opinion. They provide it, and as technology has changed over the decades, they adapt to provide it the way patrons want it.
Despite all of this, the commissioners of Citrus County chose to reject the library system’s request. I am well aware of the financial difficulties public libraries face...
is a misguided decision. Public libraries are not in place to further
the political agenda of any party or position. Whether those holding the
purse strings favor any particular journal or not should be irrelevant.
At the New York Public Library, we offer hundreds of periodicals
from all sides of the political aisle. I will tell you that I do not
agree with the political slant of some of the papers we make available.
And that is exactly how it should be.
Libraries give members of the public the tools they need to be fully informed participants in civic society."
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hunters Point Library Confronts Accessibility Issues; Library Journal, November 4, 2019
Lisa Peet, Library Journal; Hunters Point Library Confronts Accessibility Issues
"QPL is assessing the situation with the Department of Design and Construction and Steven Holl Architects, de Bourbon said. (As of press time, Steven Holl Architects had not responded to LJ’s request for comment.) “As we move forward with new projects,” she said, “we will be even more proactive in addressing the needs and circumstances of every single customer.”
“I hope that libraries who are working on inclusiveness can see this as a cautionary tale,” said Machones. “There clearly needs to be more oversight in all stages of planning to ensure nothing like this happens again. There needs to be opportunities for staff and the community to analyze and respond to plans at every stage. If there are members of your community that are not able to participate in input sessions, then go to them and ask them for their input. Your library will better serve the community if your plans reflect everyone in it.”
Such inclusive input might be positioned as a mandate in all aspects of service for the library, Machones suggested. “I would have regular community conversations to learn about what ways the library could improve. I also would recommend the library undergo an inclusive services assessment,” such as the Inclusive Services Assessment and Guide developed for Wisconsin Public Libraries."
"QPL is assessing the situation with the Department of Design and Construction and Steven Holl Architects, de Bourbon said. (As of press time, Steven Holl Architects had not responded to LJ’s request for comment.) “As we move forward with new projects,” she said, “we will be even more proactive in addressing the needs and circumstances of every single customer.”
“I hope that libraries who are working on inclusiveness can see this as a cautionary tale,” said Machones. “There clearly needs to be more oversight in all stages of planning to ensure nothing like this happens again. There needs to be opportunities for staff and the community to analyze and respond to plans at every stage. If there are members of your community that are not able to participate in input sessions, then go to them and ask them for their input. Your library will better serve the community if your plans reflect everyone in it.”
Such inclusive input might be positioned as a mandate in all aspects of service for the library, Machones suggested. “I would have regular community conversations to learn about what ways the library could improve. I also would recommend the library undergo an inclusive services assessment,” such as the Inclusive Services Assessment and Guide developed for Wisconsin Public Libraries."
NNS Spotlight: Nonprofit uses data research to spur change in communities; Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service (NNS), November 6, 2019
Caroline White, Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service (NNS); NNS Spotlight: Nonprofit uses data research to spur change in communities
"Numbers can tell only part of a story.
They mean nothing without context.
And that’s where Data You Can Use steps in. The nonprofit works to provide useful local data so organizations can create change on a community level.
“In some of these neighborhoods, people have a fear of research because they’ve always been the subject, but they never see the results. That can be very damaging,” said Katie Pritchard, executive director and president of Data You Can Use. “If you’re only telling one part of the story, it doesn’t help anyone.”...
“We wanted to find a better way to measure the impact of what we do,” [Barb] Wesson [the outcomes manager] said. “One of the things Data You Can Use does really well that I don’t do at all is qualitative data analysis, and that’s what we needed.”"
"Numbers can tell only part of a story.
They mean nothing without context.
And that’s where Data You Can Use steps in. The nonprofit works to provide useful local data so organizations can create change on a community level.
“In some of these neighborhoods, people have a fear of research because they’ve always been the subject, but they never see the results. That can be very damaging,” said Katie Pritchard, executive director and president of Data You Can Use. “If you’re only telling one part of the story, it doesn’t help anyone.”...
“We wanted to find a better way to measure the impact of what we do,” [Barb] Wesson [the outcomes manager] said. “One of the things Data You Can Use does really well that I don’t do at all is qualitative data analysis, and that’s what we needed.”"
Commissioners call New York Times ‘fake news,’ deny library funding for digital subscriptions; Tampa Bay Times, November 4, 2019
Josh Fiallo, Tampa Bay Times; Commissioners call New York Times ‘fake news,’ deny library funding for digital subscriptions
"Sandy Price, the advisory board chairman for the county’s libraries, told the Citrus County Chronicle
she was disappointed with the commissioners’ decision to block the
funding. She also said she was concerned with the reason behind the
blocking, specifically citing Carnahan’s comments about the New York Times being ‘fake news.’
personal political view does not have a place in deciding what library
resources are available for the entire county,” Price told the Chronicle on Monday. “Libraries have to ensure all points of view are represented.”
all five commissioners railing against the request during the
commission meeting, feedback that he received in the days after caused
Commissioner Brian Coleman to loosen his stance on the request.
originally said of the funding request: “I support President Trump. I
would say they put stuff in there that’s not necessarily verified."
Two days after the meeting, however, Coleman told The Chronicle he wanted to re-address the topic at a future meeting.
“Our decision should have been impartial, instead of having it become a personal thing," Coleman told the Chronicle."
What if "Sesame Street" Were Open Access?; Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), October 25, 2019
Elliot Harmon, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF); What if "Sesame Street" Were Open Access?
"The news of iconic children’s television show “Sesame Street”’s new arrangement with the HBO MAX streaming service has sent ripples around the Internet. Starting this year, episodes of “Sesame Street” will debut on HBO and on the HBO MAX service, with new episodes being made available to PBS “at some point.” Parents Television Council’s Tim Winter recently told New York Times that “HBO is holding hostage underprivileged families” who can no longer afford to watch new “Sesame Street” episodes.
The move is particularly galling because the show is partially paid for with public funding. Let's imagine an alternative: what if “Sesame Street” were open access? What if the show’s funding had come with a requirement that it be made available to the public?"
"The news of iconic children’s television show “Sesame Street”’s new arrangement with the HBO MAX streaming service has sent ripples around the Internet. Starting this year, episodes of “Sesame Street” will debut on HBO and on the HBO MAX service, with new episodes being made available to PBS “at some point.” Parents Television Council’s Tim Winter recently told New York Times that “HBO is holding hostage underprivileged families” who can no longer afford to watch new “Sesame Street” episodes.
The move is particularly galling because the show is partially paid for with public funding. Let's imagine an alternative: what if “Sesame Street” were open access? What if the show’s funding had come with a requirement that it be made available to the public?" breaks its silence amid trademark lawsuit controversy to apologize and say “we made a mistake”; The Colorado Sun, November 6, 2019
Jason Blevins, The Colorado Sun; breaks its silence amid trademark lawsuit controversy to apologize and say “we made a mistake”
"“To be fair, this is not about Marquette Backcountry Skis. It’s about the small nonprofits, it’s about the guides and the small businesses they targeted. This has all been about the lawsuits filed against the people in front of me and the ones coming for the people behind me,” [David] Ollila said. “What we’ve witnessed here is that it takes 25 years to build a business and a reputation and it can be lost very quickly with these poor decisions. I wonder how the market will react to this. I wonder if they can be forgiven.”...
“This boycott isn’t about a word,” [Jon Miller] said. “What is happening is that a corporation has a stranglehold over our culture in a battle over a word they literally don’t even own.”"
"“To be fair, this is not about Marquette Backcountry Skis. It’s about the small nonprofits, it’s about the guides and the small businesses they targeted. This has all been about the lawsuits filed against the people in front of me and the ones coming for the people behind me,” [David] Ollila said. “What we’ve witnessed here is that it takes 25 years to build a business and a reputation and it can be lost very quickly with these poor decisions. I wonder how the market will react to this. I wonder if they can be forgiven.”...
“This boycott isn’t about a word,” [Jon Miller] said. “What is happening is that a corporation has a stranglehold over our culture in a battle over a word they literally don’t even own.”"
Trump administration sues drugmaker Gilead Sciences over patent on Truvada for HIV prevention; The Washington Post, November 7, 2019
Christopher Rowland, The Washington Post; Trump administration sues drugmaker Gilead Sciences over patent on Truvada for HIV prevention
"The Trump administration took the rare step Wednesday of filing a patent infringement lawsuit against pharmaceutical manufacturer Gilead Sciences over sales of Truvada for HIV prevention, a crucial therapy invented and patented by Centers for Disease Control researchers."
"The Trump administration took the rare step Wednesday of filing a patent infringement lawsuit against pharmaceutical manufacturer Gilead Sciences over sales of Truvada for HIV prevention, a crucial therapy invented and patented by Centers for Disease Control researchers."
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Rights group files federal complaint against AI-hiring firm HireVue, citing ‘unfair and deceptive’ practices; The Washington Post, November 6, 2019
Drew Harwell, The Washington Post; Rights group files federal complaint against AI-hiring firm HireVue, citing ‘unfair and deceptive’ practices
"The Electronic Privacy Information Center, known as EPIC, on Wednesday filed an official complaint calling on the FTC to investigate HireVue’s business practices, saying the company’s use of unproven artificial intelligence systems that scan people’s faces and voices constituted a wide-scale threat to American workers."
"The Electronic Privacy Information Center, known as EPIC, on Wednesday filed an official complaint calling on the FTC to investigate HireVue’s business practices, saying the company’s use of unproven artificial intelligence systems that scan people’s faces and voices constituted a wide-scale threat to American workers."
After food-delivery robots were benched, Pitt tests putting them back on the sidewalks; The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 1, 2019
Bill Schackner, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; After food-delivery robots were benched, Pitt tests putting them back on the sidewalks
"Last week, the San Francisco-based company and dining services vendor Sodexo resumed testing. Earlier, the gizmos were pulled from the streets after a doctoral student using a wheelchair said one blocked her access to a sidewalk on Forbes Avenue.
Pitt spokesman Kevin Zwick said officials are still hoping to formally debut the robots this fall. A handful of other universities nationwide are using the Starship robots...
The 2-foot tall, six-wheeled devices that resemble rolling coolers are programmed to navigate the campus and can be operated remotely as they cross streets around campus. The plans have drawn a range of reactions from those who depend on takeout or find themselves navigating crowded streets with the bots."
"Last week, the San Francisco-based company and dining services vendor Sodexo resumed testing. Earlier, the gizmos were pulled from the streets after a doctoral student using a wheelchair said one blocked her access to a sidewalk on Forbes Avenue.
Pitt spokesman Kevin Zwick said officials are still hoping to formally debut the robots this fall. A handful of other universities nationwide are using the Starship robots...
The 2-foot tall, six-wheeled devices that resemble rolling coolers are programmed to navigate the campus and can be operated remotely as they cross streets around campus. The plans have drawn a range of reactions from those who depend on takeout or find themselves navigating crowded streets with the bots."
For Vulnerable Populations, the Thorny Ethics of Genetic Data Collection; Undark, September 30, 2019
Adrian Pecotic, Undark; For Vulnerable Populations, the Thorny Ethics of Genetic Data Collection
To be equitable, genetics research needs more diverse samples. But collecting that data could present ethical issues.
"“When we do genetic studies, trying to understand the genetic basis of common and complex diseases, we’re getting a biased snapshot,” said Alicia Martin, a geneticist at the Massachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute, a biomedical and genomics research center affiliated with Harvard and MIT.
Research to capture these snapshots, called genome-wide association studies, can only draw conclusions about the data that’s been collected. Without studies that look at each underrepresented population, genetic tests and therapies can’t be tailored to everyone. Still, projects intended as correctives, like All of Us and the International HapMap Project, face an ethical conundrum: Collecting that data could exploit the very people the programs intend to help."
To be equitable, genetics research needs more diverse samples. But collecting that data could present ethical issues.
"“When we do genetic studies, trying to understand the genetic basis of common and complex diseases, we’re getting a biased snapshot,” said Alicia Martin, a geneticist at the Massachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute, a biomedical and genomics research center affiliated with Harvard and MIT.
Research to capture these snapshots, called genome-wide association studies, can only draw conclusions about the data that’s been collected. Without studies that look at each underrepresented population, genetic tests and therapies can’t be tailored to everyone. Still, projects intended as correctives, like All of Us and the International HapMap Project, face an ethical conundrum: Collecting that data could exploit the very people the programs intend to help."
How Machine Learning Pushes Us to Define Fairness; Harvard Business Review, November 6, 2019
David Weinberger, Harvard Business Review; How Machine Learning Pushes Us to Define Fairness
"Even with the greatest of care, an ML system might find biased patterns so subtle and complex that they hide from the best-intentioned human attention. Hence the necessary current focus among computer scientists, policy makers, and anyone concerned with social justice on how to keep bias out of AI.
Yet machine learning’s very nature may also be bringing us to think about fairness in new and productive ways. Our encounters with machine learning (ML) are beginning to give us concepts, a vocabulary, and tools that enable us to address questions of bias and fairness more directly and precisely than before."
"Even with the greatest of care, an ML system might find biased patterns so subtle and complex that they hide from the best-intentioned human attention. Hence the necessary current focus among computer scientists, policy makers, and anyone concerned with social justice on how to keep bias out of AI.
Yet machine learning’s very nature may also be bringing us to think about fairness in new and productive ways. Our encounters with machine learning (ML) are beginning to give us concepts, a vocabulary, and tools that enable us to address questions of bias and fairness more directly and precisely than before."
Elisa Celis and the fight for fairness in artificial intelligence; Yale News, November 6, 2019
Jim Shelton, Yale News; Elisa Celis and the fight for fairness in artificial intelligence
"What can you tell us about the new undergraduate course you’re teaching at Yale?
It’s called “Data Science Ethics.” I came in with an idea of what I wanted to do, but I also wanted to incorporate a lot of feedback from students. The first week was spent asking: “What is normative ethics? How do we even go about thinking in terms of ethical decisions in this context?” With that foundation, we began talking about different areas where ethical questions come out, throughout the entire data science pipeline. Everything from how you collect data to the algorithms themselves and how they end up encoding these biases, and how the results of biased algorithms directly affect people. The goal is to introduce students to all the things they should have in their mind when talking about ethics in the technical sphere.
The class doesn’t require coding or technical background, because that allows students from other departments to participate. We have students from anthropology, sociology, and economics, and other departments, which broadens the discussion. That’s very valuable when grappling with these inherently interdisciplinary problems."
"What can you tell us about the new undergraduate course you’re teaching at Yale?
It’s called “Data Science Ethics.” I came in with an idea of what I wanted to do, but I also wanted to incorporate a lot of feedback from students. The first week was spent asking: “What is normative ethics? How do we even go about thinking in terms of ethical decisions in this context?” With that foundation, we began talking about different areas where ethical questions come out, throughout the entire data science pipeline. Everything from how you collect data to the algorithms themselves and how they end up encoding these biases, and how the results of biased algorithms directly affect people. The goal is to introduce students to all the things they should have in their mind when talking about ethics in the technical sphere.
The class doesn’t require coding or technical background, because that allows students from other departments to participate. We have students from anthropology, sociology, and economics, and other departments, which broadens the discussion. That’s very valuable when grappling with these inherently interdisciplinary problems."
A library wanted a New York Times subscription. Officials refused, citing Trump and ‘fake news.’; The New York Times, November 5, 2019
Antonia Noori Farzan, The Washington Post; A library wanted a New York Times subscription. Officials refused, citing Trump and ‘fake news.’
"“Someone’s personal political view does not have a place in deciding what library resources are available for the entire county,” Sandy Price, the chairwoman for the library’s advisory board, told the Chronicle. “Libraries have to ensure all points of view are represented.”"
"“Someone’s personal political view does not have a place in deciding what library resources are available for the entire county,” Sandy Price, the chairwoman for the library’s advisory board, told the Chronicle. “Libraries have to ensure all points of view are represented.”"
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