Sunday, May 31, 2020

WIPO’s Conversation on IP and AI to Continue as a Virtual Meeting; World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), May 29, 2020

Press Release, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO); WIPO’s Conversation on IP and AI to Continue as a Virtual Meeting

"The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) today published a revised issues paper on intellectual property policy and artificial intelligence (AI) as part of its ongoing consultation with stakeholders on the intersection of AI and IP policy and announced the dates of the rescheduled WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property (IP) and Artificial Intelligence, which will take place online.

The Second Session of the WIPO Conversation on IP and AI will be held over three days from July 7 to 9, 2020 as a virtual meeting, in three daily sessions from 13:00 to 15:00 CET, to allow the broadest possible global audience to attend.

The First WIPO Conversation on AI and IP was convened by WIPO Director General Francis Gurryin September 2019 and brought together member states and other stakeholders to discuss the impact of Al on IP policy, with a view to collectively formulating relevant questions. 

Following that meeting, Mr. Gurry announced that WIPO would launch an open process to develop a list of issues concerning the impact of Al on IP policy and invited feedback on an issues paper designed to help define the most-pressing questions likely to face IP policy makers as AI increases in importance. The result of that public consultation is contained in the revised issues paper, which takes into account the more than 250 submissions received from a wide global audience on the call for comments.

The many respondents to the draft Issues Paper, including member states, academic, scientific and private organizations as well as individuals, are proof of the relevance and timeliness of and the significant engagement in the discussion on IP and AI. We look forward to continuing the Conversation in a more structured discussion in July on the basis of the revised Issues Paper.

WIPO Director General Francis Gurry""

Think Outside the Box, Jack; The New York Times, May 30, 2020

Think Outside the Box, JackTrump, Twitter and the society-crushing pursuit of monetized rage.

"The Wall Street Journal had a chilling report a few days ago that Facebook’s own research in 2018 revealed that “our algorithms exploit the human brain’s attraction to divisiveness. If left unchecked,” Facebook would feed users “more and more divisive content in an effort to gain user attention & increase time on the platform.”

Mark Zuckerberg shelved the research...

“The shareholders of Facebook decided, ‘If you can increase my stock tenfold, we can put up with a lot of rage and hate,’” says Scott Galloway, professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business.

“These platforms have very dangerous profit motives. When you monetize rage at such an exponential rate, it’s bad for the world. These guys don’t look left or right; they just look down. They’re willing to promote white nationalism if there’s money in it. The rise of social media will be seen as directly correlating to the decline of Western civilization.”"

Monday, May 11, 2020

What are the ethics behind covid-19 ‘immunity passports’?; The Washington Post, May 10, 2020

Govind Persad and Ezekiel J. Emanuel, The Washington Post; What are the ethics behind covid-19 ‘immunity passports’?

"Other critics worry that immunity licenses could encourage fraud or counterfeiting. Issuers — likely state governments, as with driver’s licenses — would need to incorporate careful verification and anti-forgery processes. Just as the impossibility of preventing all fraud doesn’t make driver’s licenses unworkable, it would not preclude immunity licensing.

Properly implemented, immunity licenses could enhance individual liberty by allowing immune individuals to safely engage in activities without worsening things for those who are not immune. They could help support society by allowing immune workers to care for the most vulnerable. Most important, they would not be discriminatory. Their ethics depends on deployment consistent with the best scientific knowledge."

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Copyright Lawsuit in Tiger King Is an Outrage; Slate, May 7, 2020

Joshua Lamel, Slate; The Copyright Lawsuit in Tiger King Is an Outrage

"Copyright is the perfect vehicle for SLAPP suits. First of all, copyright is a government-granted, exclusive right to speech. There is no better way to prevent someone from publicly criticizing you than to use copyright law. Copyright lawsuits are expensive and place enormous costs on defendants. Fair use has to be raised once you are sued, so defendants will likely have to spend more. The potential damages are extreme: For every violation of a copyright, you can get $150,000 in statutory damages. Additionally, copyright law has injunctive relief—you can actually stop the speech from happening.

One would think that Congress would recognize this and specifically include copyright in federal anti-SLAPP efforts. But that is not happening anytime soon. Instead, thanks to their lobbying and fundraising, copyright holders have been successful in convincing senior members of Congress in both parties to exclude copyright. These members have told federal anti-SLAPP advocates that they need to be willing to give up copyright for a chance of being successful. There is not a single good policy argument to exclude copyright. Copyright litigation abuse is exactly what anti-SLAPP legislation should be designed to prevent. This type of abuse is the reason we need a federal fix.

In my dream world, the saturation of Joe Exotic’s story will help everyday Americans understand the relevance of copyright law in our daily lives—maybe even spur federal lawmakers to introduce and pass anti-SLAPP law without a special carve-out for copyright."

A Library Redeploys in COVID-19: Another Reason to Love Librarians; Nonprofit Quarterly, April 22, 2020

, Nonprofit Quarterly; 
A Library Redeploys in COVID-19: 
Another Reason to Love Librarians

"Kim Edson, the head of reader services at the Rochester Public Library, says the staff have reorganized in consultation with local government to become an information hotline during the pandemic. This is part of its commitment to the city’s Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), “a system of disaster planning that lays out guidance for how specific critical services will continue.”

“One of the special skills we’re able to provide in times of crisis is access to information,” Edson says:
We answer all kinds of questions as part of our normal business. Everyone has a place that they trust, or where they go to get community information. The library serves that purpose for many people.
We are constantly working on the list of resources in the community and sharing those resources so everyone’s getting a consistent message."

Movers & Shakers: The People Shaping the Future of Libraries; Library Journal, May 2020

Francine Fialkoff, Project Manager and Cofounder, LJ Movers and Shakers, Library Journal; Movers and Shakers: The People Shaping the Future of Libraries

"Welcome to LJ’s 2020 Movers and Shakers 

It is my great pleasure to congratulate and welcome the 46 individuals named 2020 Movers and Shakers. They join a distinguished group that is now nearly 1,000 strong. Reading any of these profiles will surely bring a little light into our COVID-19–quarantined days.
The 2020 Movers, like so many librarians and library workers, are passionate about what they do. They’re transforming their communities, schools, and colleges and universities in myriad ways. They’re changing education for children and adults, with innovative approaches to literacy, learning, and teaching. They’re lowering barriers to access for English language learners and those who aren’t connected to the internet—and creating opportunities. They’re empowering voters. They’re redefining archives to include groups that have been marginalized, erased, or misrepresented. They’re devising strategies to make libraries, and our society, more inclusive for everyone.
With most schools, colleges and universities, and public libraries closed due to COVID-19, they’re delivering formerly inperson services virtually and expanding online services on the fly, like so many reading this. For more on what librarians are doing now and insights on what the “new normal” must include, see Meredith Schwartz’s editorial, “Don’t Settle for Normal.”"

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Don't Settle for Normal; Library Journal, May 5, 2020

Meredith Schwartz , Library Journal; Don't Settle for Normal

"We all know this COVID moment is not normal. It can be hard, in the grip of nostalgia for simple pleasures such as meeting with our colleagues or greeting patrons at the door, to remember that second part. But it is vital. Normal wasn’t so great for our unhoused patrons. It wasn’t so great for the people who had to turn to the library for help navigating the health-care insurance exchanges, unemployment, or Social Security because the rest of the safety net had worn thin and too many agencies assumed a digital access and knowledge that is far from universal. Normal wasn’t so great for the kids who only get a square meal at school or the library, or the ones who can’t talk to their parents in prison unless a public library has stepped up with something like Telestory, because access to the phone—and the books and the soap—is being run as a for-profit business.

These may not sound like library issues. But they are, and that’s been driven home by the pressures many systems faced not to close libraries completely in spite of the danger to patrons and staff. If they are library issues when it comes to stepping into the gap, then they’re library issues when it comes to closing that gap for good.

Public library leaders have a place at the table in practically every city and county in America. They have unique insight into the broad spectrum of needs across the whole community, and a unique mandate to meet those needs. It’s clear that it will take extraordinary measures to get this country through the pandemic and back on its feet afterward, and that libraries will need to be an integral part of that. What’s less clear is what will happen next. If we give in to the desire to get back to normal, we are in grave danger of re-creating the conditions that led to so much suffering, and squandering the opportunity to build a better new normal for all. We must keep moving forward, and look to the latest crop of Movers & Shakers to inspire by example."

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

'The Great Equalizer': Why Some Arizona Libraries Offer Curbside Service Amid COVID-19;, May 6, 2020

Christina Estes,; 'The Great Equalizer': Why Some Arizona Libraries Offer Curbside Service Amid COVID-19

[Kip Currier: Next week I launch a new required course -- The Information Professional in the Community -- in the MLIS degree program at the University of Pittsburgh. One of the topics we will be investigating and debating over the course of the term is the upshots and downsides of information professionals serving as "first responders" and "second responders" in various situations, like the Covid-19 pandemic.
This article and audio story provides a tale of two Arizona library systems' divergent approaches on whether To-Curbside-Or-Not-To-Curbside...]

"Maricopa County Library District

About 40 miles southeast of downtown Phoenix, customers at Queen Creek Library get the curbside treatment.
Rob Scott, digital marketing officer for Maricopa County Library District, recorded audio last week at KJZZ’s request as a library employee directed a driver to a numbered space where the driver would pop open the vehicle’s trunk...

Phoenix Public Library

Sixteen libraries in the state’s most populous county offer curbside pickup but not libraries in the state’s most populous city. 
“It has been a topic of discussion for Phoenix Public Library,” said Lee Franklin, community relations manager.
She said Phoenix is erring on the side of caution by not offering curbside service. 
“We don’t see an ability for us to do that and still prioritize maintaining that safe environment for our staff, our customers and our visitors,” Franklin said."

To Protect Black Americans from the Worst Impacts of COVID-19, Release Comprehensive Racial Data; Scientific American, April 24, 2020

 , Scientific American; To Protect Black Americans from the Worst Impacts of COVID-19, Release Comprehensive Racial Data

Properly reported information is crucial for black communities to recover from this crisis and transcend a history of exclusion

"History shows that when crises strike, Black Americans often experience the worst consequences. We mustn’t continue allowing this to happen. Our organizations—the National Birth Equity Collaborative and PolicyLink—recently joined a coalition called WeMustCount demanding the data. Once we have that data, we’re calling on policymakers to take immediate action to help.

The data on Black Americans and COVID-19 are shocking but not unexpected. Engrained racist structures prevent them from fully accessing health care, education, employment and more—all of which increases susceptibility to COVID-19 and its most devastating health consequences.

These issues trace back far before the current pandemic. It was baked into the nation’s founding and carries forward today. Black Americans have always suffered disproportionately from national crises...

Buried behind all of this is an underlying fear: Releasing the information would mean bringing attention to a problem that policy makers could otherwise easily ignore."

Seeking Ethics Through Narrative During COVID-19; PittWire, April 16, 2020

Amerigo Allegretto, PittWire; Seeking Ethics Through Narrative During COVID-19

"In her redesigned Literature and Medicine course, Uma Satyavolu challenges students to study both past and current writings to deal ethically with pandemics such as COVID-19.

“The moment I heard of this pandemic, I reached for Albert Camus’ ‘The Plague’ and Daniel Defoe’s ‘A Journal of the Plague Year,’” said Satyavolu, a lecturer in the University of Pittsburgh Department of English in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. “I often teach the latter in my Essay and Memoir class. These books help people understand how people dealt with disruptions and being isolated due to epidemics in previous generations, like we relatively are today,” with stay-at-home orders in place in much of the U.S.

The course has pivoted to having students analyze narratives surrounding COVID-19 to tracehow medical knowledge is or is not transmitted during the pandemic, with particular attention to how some narratives gain authority and the status of “truth.” Their analyses will be posted in April on the Center for Bioethics and Health Law’s website, COVID-19 Narratives.

“What I want students to take away from this course is that we’re not just reading a few books. This is a form of important public engagement,” she said. “The course is based upon the idea of literature and the humanities serve as a bridge between ‘expert’ knowledge and the general public.”...

But Satyavolu isn’t stopping with the course; she also recently led the gathering of medical humanities materials to create COVID-19 Medical Humanities Resources, a webpage that went live in late March. The resource page contains suggested novels, essays, podcasts and films to analyze how stories taking place during epidemics and pandemics are told...

People interested in the ethical issues raised by the pandemic can visit the Center’s COVID-19 Ethics Resources webpage."

For Jeffrey Epstein, MIT Was Just a Safety School; Wired, May 4, 2020

Noam Cohen, Wired; For Jeffrey Epstein, MIT Was Just a Safety School

"The MIT and Harvard reports are most illuminating when read together. They overlap in revealing ways and share certain observations...

In part, we can chalk up the difference to bad timing. Harvard came first in Epstein’s mind, which, I suppose, says something about its reputation among status-obsessed faux-intellectuals. When Harvard was accepting Esptein’s donations, it was dealing with a disreputable character; MIT, by contrast, was dealing with a convicted sex offender...

What remains is the hard-baked irony that MIT, which got relatively little from Epstein, drew the bad headlines; whereas Harvard, which took 10 times as much of Epstein’s money, could almost claim its hands were clean. MIT announced last year that it would be donating to a charity benefiting sexual-abuse survivors all of its Epstein monies ($850,000 collected before and after his conviction). Harvard on Friday announced that it would be donating to organizations that support victims of human trafficking and sexual assault exactly what was left over from Epstein’s multimillion-dollar donations: $200,937."

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Harvard’s Epstein corruption deserves a full airing — even amid a pandemic; The Washington Post, May 4, 2020

Charles Lane, The Washington Post; Harvard’s Epstein corruption deserves a full airing — even amid a pandemic

[Kip Currier: Fortuitous to see this story -- and the call for this "cautionary" real world case study to be investigated  -- as I’ve included this as a case study in the syllabus for my new graduate course, The Information Professional in the Community, launching next week.

In one of the course’s weekly units, we'll be exploring Harvard's deeply concerning ties to the late disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein and, in columnist Charles Lane's parlance, "the cutting of ethical corners", within the broader context of critically examining Fiscal Considerations, Legal/Ethical/Policy Issues, and Risk Management in Collaborations and Partnerships.] 

"Such grotesque money-grubbing at the pinnacle of U.S. academia — a school, to be sure, that has positioned itself an ethical leader, especially in the movement against sexual assault and gender bias on campus — deserves a full airing, even amid the novel coronavirus pandemic...

It joins a lengthening list of cautionary tales of fundraising excess, such as the admissions-for-cash episode involving athletic teams at Yale, Stanford, the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Southern California and Georgetown, among others...

The need for cash is probably at or near an all-time high, and so is the risk, reputational and otherwise, of cutting ethical corners to raise it.

Professors and administrators can ill afford the moral arrogance that characterized the dealings of some at Harvard with Epstein, or their sloppiness, or their cluelessness...

Not everyone at Harvard — much less everyone in higher ed — is to blame for this sorry episode. Every college and university can learn from it."

Monday, May 4, 2020

Has COVID-19 changed the face of tech ethics forever?; IDG, April 23, 2020

Pat Martlew, IDGHas COVID-19 changed the face of tech ethics forever?

"So, are the more heavy-handed approaches worth implementing if it leads to lives being saved? Prominent technologist and tech ethics expert Anne Currie says that while she wouldn't necessarily advocate for China's approach, there is a degree to which ethical considerations must be eased if we are to save a considerable number of lives.

"Tech ethics in the good times and tech ethics in the bad times are extremely different. When you've got hundreds of thousands of lives on the line, we all do occasionally need to suspend some of our privileges. That is just the reality of the situation," she says

"Right now, we are in a battle. We're in a battle with an implacable other. We're not battling with a competitor at work and we're not battling with another country, as difficult as that may be. We are battling with a virus that doesn't care at all about us. It doesn't care about fairness, diversity, privacy, or any of the good things that we generally value. It will just kill us if we don't act and that has changed where our priorities lie, which is the right thing to happen."

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Open Access, Open Source, and the Battle to Defeat COVID-19; JD Supra, April 22, 2020

PerkinsCoie, JD Supra; Open Access, Open Source, and the Battle to Defeat COVID-19

"No legal development over the past decades has had a greater impact on the free flow of information and technology than the rise of the open access and open source movements. We recently looked at how AI, machine learning, blockchain, 3D printing, and other disruptive technologies are being employed in response to the coronavirus pandemic; we now turn to how two disruptive legal innovations, open access and open source, are being used to fight COVID-19. Although the pandemic is far from over, there are already promising signs that open access and open source solutions are allowing large groups of scientists, healthcare professionals, software developers, and innovators across many countries to mobilize quickly and effectively to combat and, hopefully, mitigate the impact of the coronavirus."

Friday, May 1, 2020

How to find copyright-free images (and avoiding a stock photo subscription); TNW, April 29, 2020

 , TNW; How to find copyright-free images (and avoiding a stock photo subscription)

"If you search for any term and head to the Images section in Google, you’ll instantly find thousands of images. There’s one issue, though: Some of them might be copyrighted and you might be putting yourself (or your employer) at risk. Fortunately, you can filter images by usage rights, which will help you avoid that...

Here are a couple of our favorite free stock photo sites:
If you’re looking for copyright-free PNG cutouts, you should check out PNGPlayIcon8, and PNGimg.
Even though a lot of these images are free to use without any attribution, you can support the creators by giving them credit, which in turn gives their work more exposure. You might not have the resources to purchase their images, but someone else might be interested in hiring them. Crediting them for their work helps with that.
You get to save some money by avoiding buying a Shutterstock subscription, they get free exposure. It’s a win-win."

San Francisco recruits army of social workers, librarians and investigators to track Covid-19; The Guardian, May 1, 2020

 , The Guardian; San Francisco recruits army of social workers, librarians and investigators to track Covid-19

"San Francisco has assembled an army of librarians, social workers, attorneys, investigators and medical students to find and warn anyone and everyone who may have been exposed to Covid-19...

Immigrant communities are justifiably worried that each time they share information about their status and location, “it will come back to haunt them,” Hayes-Bautista said. “It makes sense that people are scared.”...

San Francisco has similarly publicized that the contact tracing is “voluntary, confidential, and culturally and linguistically appropriate. Immigration status will have no bearing on these conversations.”"