Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2024

The Job Interview Question Everyone Will Be Asking In 2025; Forbes, December 26, 2024

 Chris Westfall, Forbes; 

The Job Interview Question Everyone Will Be Asking In 2025

"Inside job interview questions, a new number one topic has emerged. Beyond the usual inquiries around your background and experience, the theme that’s top of mind is artificial intelligence (AI). The number one question every candidate should anticipate in 2025 is this one: How familiar are you with AI, and how are you using it? Here’s how to prepare, and respond, to the new number one job interview question.

As with any job interview question, the best answer usually involves a story. Because the minute you say, “I’m very familiar with AI,” the interviewer would like you to prove it. You can say you’re a genius, super empathetic, trustworthy, or the world’s fastest coder - the tricky part is providing credible evidence. Saying you are familiar with something is not the same as demonstrating it. That’s where soft skills like communication come into play."

Monday, October 7, 2024

How to Effectively Message Against Book Bans | Back Talk; Library Journal, September 24, 2024

P.C. Sweeney , Library Journal; How to Effectively Message Against Book Bans | Back Talk


How do we effectively message in this environment? In 2022, EveryLibrary conducted political polls with the national firm Embold Research. This research included focus groups with message testing and message testing within the polling itself. Throughout the previous four years, we also conducted internal A/B testing of various messages for virality, engagement, and persuasion. Through this internal and external research, we were able to identify a number of highly effective messages against book bans.

One of the things we found throughout this testing is that the most effective messages are ones that use the fewest words or need the least amount of explanation. The reason that book banners are gaining traction is because “protecting children from porn” (even though that’s not what they’re doing) is an effective message that doesn’t require explanation. Understandably, the majority of the public is against exposing children to porn and immediately understands that message without explanation. However, our response has often been to explain the Miller Test in detail, long discussions about how it’s not pornography, the Pico ruling , how collection development policies work, and academic writings on the benefits of comprehensive sexual education. These messages are far too long, complex, and academic to be effective with the general public.

We also found that messages that reinforce the language of the book challengers allow them to control the message. The more often we repeat their language and messages, the more we solidify their messages in the minds of the public. Messages that don’t repeat the false narrative about pornography in libraries are the most effective ones.

The messages I present below are clear and concise and, according to our data, are effective at engaging 70 to 80 percent of the public and moving them into favorable action for libraries...


Messaging is great, but it’s nothing unless we can use it to identify our supporters and call them into action. Simply putting these messages into the world will not ensure that we triumph over book bans. Winning against censorship means sophisticated community organizing, building relationships of power with organizations, identifying supporters and cultivating them into action, and ultimately electing leaders who support libraries and the freedom to read.

Unfortunately, most libraries, as government organizations, don’t have the tools, resources, or legal authority to build the movement they need to fight off the activists attacking them. The most effective defense against book banners comes from members of the local community who are willing to fight back. Platforms such as allow community members to launch petitions and communicate with supporters to help them organize the community against groups who are seeking to censor the library and eliminate the community’s right to read.

If your library is facing book bans, you can fight back."

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lifeline or distraction? Georgia shooting reignites debate over cellphones in schools; NBC News, September 7, 2024

 Elizabeth Chuck, NBC News; Lifeline or distraction? Georgia shooting reignites debate over cellphones in schools

"There is clear research showing the detriments of smartphones, particularly to adolescents. The phones and their addictive social media platforms have been tied to poor sleep, cyberbullying and unhealthy body esteem in young people. A 2023 study by technology and media research group Common Sense Media found that adolescents are overwhelmed with notifications from their smartphones — receiving a median of 237 alerts daily, with about a quarter arriving during the school day.

At least 13 states have passed laws or put policies in place that ban or restrict students’ use of cellphones in schools statewide, or recommend that local districts enact their own restrictions, according to Education Week. Individual school districts, both large and small, have also implemented policies that limit or prohibit cellphone use, with a growing number relying on magnetically sealed pouches to lock up the devices so students aren’t tempted to check them when they should be learning.

Being able to get in touch if there’s an emergency is the top reason parents say they want their children to have access to phones at school, according to a National Parents Union survey conducted in February of more than 1,500 parents of K-12 public school students.

Yet fatal shootings in schools are exceedingly rare. And while parents may want to reach their children should there be shots fired or another emergency, phones “can actually detract from the safety of students,” according to Ken Trump, president of National School Safety and Security Services, a consulting firm that focuses on school security and emergency preparedness training."

Monday, August 19, 2024

New ABA Rules on AI and Ethics Shows the Technology Is 'New Wine in Old Bottles'; The Law Journal Editorial Board via, August 16, 2024

The Law Journal Editorial Board via; New ABA Rules on AI and Ethics Shows the Technology Is 'New Wine in Old Bottles'

On July 29, the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility issued Formal Opinion 512 on generative artificial intelligence tools. The opinion follows on such opinions and guidance from several state bar associations, as well as similar efforts by non-U.S. bars and regulatory bodies around the world...

Focused on GAI, the opinion addresses six core principles: competence, confidentiality, communication, meritorious claims and candor to tribunal, supervision and fees...

What is not commonly understood, perhaps, is that GAI “hallucinates,” and generates content...

Not addressed in the opinion is whether GAI is engaged in the practice of law...

At the ABA annual meeting, representatives of more than 20 “foreign” bars participated in a roundtable on GAI. In a world of cross-border practice, there was a desire for harmonization."

Sunday, August 18, 2024

A.L.S. Stole His Voice. A.I. Retrieved It.; The New York Times, August 14, 2024

 , The New York Times; A.L.S. Stole His Voice. A.I. Retrieved It.

"As scientists continued training the device to recognize his sounds, it got only better. Over a period of eight months, the study said, Mr. Harrell came to utter nearly 6,000 unique words. The device kept up, sustaining a 97.5 percent accuracy.

That exceeded the accuracy of many smartphone applications that transcribe people’s intact speech. It also marked an improvement on previous studies in which implants reached accuracy rates of roughly 75 percent, leaving one of every four words liable to misinterpretation.

And whereas devices like Neuralink’s help people move cursors across a screen, Mr. Harrell’s implant allowed him to explore the infinitely larger and more complex terrain of speech.

“It went from a scientific demonstration to a system that Casey can use every day to speak with family and friends,” said Dr. David Brandman, the neurosurgeon who operated on Mr. Harrell and led the study alongside Dr. Stavisky.

That leap was enabled in part by the types of artificial intelligence that power language tools like ChatGPT. At any given moment, Mr. Harrell’s implant picks up activity in an ensemble of neurons, translating their firing pattern into vowel or consonant units of sound. Computers then agglomerate a string of such sounds into a word, and a string of words into a sentence, choosing the output they deem likeliest to correspond to what Mr. Harrell has tried to say...

Whether the same implant would prove as helpful to more severely paralyzed people is unclear. Mr. Harrell’s speech had deteriorated, but not disappeared.

And for all its utility, the technology cannot mitigate the crushing financial burden of trying to live and work with A.L.S.: Insurance will pay for Mr. Harrell’s caregiving needs only if he goes on hospice care, or stops working and becomes eligible for Medicaid, Ms. Saxon said, a situation that, she added, drives others with A.L.S. to give up trying to extend their lives.

Those very incentives also make it likelier that people with disabilities will become poor, putting access to cutting-edge implants even further out of their reach, said Melanie Fried-Oken, a professor of neurology at Oregon Health & Science University."

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Dr. Ruffini: Church leadership needed to shape ‘Ethical AI’; LiCAS News via Vatican News, August 2024

Joan April, Roy Lagarde & Mark Saludes - LiCAS News via Vatican News; Dr. Ruffini: Church leadership needed to shape ‘Ethical AI’

"“The digital world is not a ready-made. It is changing every day. We, we can change it. We can shape it. And we need Catholic communicators to do it, with love and with human intelligence,” said Dr. Ruffini. 

In a recorded speech delivered during the 7th National Catholic Social Communications Convention (NCSCC) in Lipa City, south of Manila, on August 5, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication (Vatican News' parent organization, underscored the Church’s responsibility to guide technological advancements with moral clarity and human-centered values.

“So the basic question is not about machines, but about humans, about us. There are and always will be things that a technology cannot replace, like freedom, like the miracle of encounter between people, like the surprise of the unexpected, the conversion, the outburst of ingenuity, the gratuitous love,” he said. 

Organized by the Episcopal Commission on Social Communications (ECSC) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), the convention aims to explore advancements and risks in AI, offering insights on leveraging the technology for positive impact while addressing potential negative consequences."

Friday, July 12, 2024

Class explores how media impacts perceptions of health issues; University of Pittsburgh, University Times, July 11, 2024

MARTY LEVINE, University of Pittsburgh, University Times; Class explores how media impacts perceptions of health issues

"Communicating a message through storytelling, and not the mere recitation of facts, is key to public health communication, and Hoffman collaborates often with the Norman Lear Center at the University of Southern California, whose “Hollywood, Health and Society” project has conducted research on everything from “Increases in calls to the CDC National STD and AIDS hotline following AIDS-related episodes in a soap opera” to “The Impact of Food and Nutrition Messages on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.” It also provides consultants to shows from “Breaking Bad” to “Black-ish,” and a Lear Center rep spoke in Hoffman’s class.

Hoffman was recently lead author on a published overview of current research evidence on the media and health, which found that “health storylines on fictional television influence viewers.”...

Pitt Public Health was the leader in developing the Salk vaccine for polio, she points out. Public health education and media literacy can be a sort of vaccination against misinformation, she says: “We often talk about it as inoculation. Misinformation is not going away. How can we make people less susceptible to it?”"

Friday, February 16, 2024

From ethics to outsmarting Chat GPT, state unveils resource for AI in Ohio education;, February 15, 2024

 ; From ethics to outsmarting Chat GPT, state unveils resource for AI in Ohio education

"The state released a guide Thursday to help schools and parents navigate generative artificial intelligence in an ethical manner.

“When you use the term AI, I know in some people’s minds, it can sound scary,” said Lt. Jon Husted, whose InnovateOhio office worked with private sector organizations to develop the guide...

Every technology that’s come into society has been like that.”...

But AI is the wave of the future, and Husted said it’s important that students are exposed to it.

The AI toolkit is not mandatory but can be used as a resource for educators and families.

It doesn’t include many prescriptive actions for how to begin teaching and using AI. Rather, it contains sections for parents, teachers and school districts where they can find dozens of sample lessons and discussions about ethics, how to develop policies to keep students safe, and other topics.

For instance, teachers can find a template letter that they can send to school district officials to communicate how they’re using AI...

“Before you use AI in the classroom you will need a plan for a student with privacy, data security, ethics and many other things,” Husted said. “More is needed than just a fun tool in the classroom.”"

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

‘It’s a small number of people who are very loud’: Local libraries grapple with book challenges, bans; TribLive, August 22, 2023

 , TribLive; ‘It’s a small number of people who are very loud’: Local libraries grapple with book challenges, bans

"“It’s a small number of people who are very loud,” Coronado said.

In accordance with the library’s reconsideration policy, Coronado and other library staff members review all challenges that are brought to them and determine the best course of action, which could be moving a book to a new section, removing a book entirely or keeping it at its spot on the shelves.

“My role is to listen, no matter what the (patron) is saying,” Coronado said...

“We’re caught in the crossfire here, but we stick to our tenets,” Riegner said. “We live in a democratic society. We try to provide materials for all walks of life.”

Riegner acknowledged that patrons will inevitably disapprove of some content in the library.

“Some people may like (our book selections). Some people may not like them,” Riegner said. “We’re a public institution, so we will expect complaints from time to time.”

For Beth Mellor, listening to these complaints is essential.

“Our libraries are community-­facing,” said Mellor, director of Oakmont Carnegie Library. “When you are dealing with children, it is so important that you know what’s going on and that you listen.”"

When is it OK to lie?; NPR, August 22, 2023

 Frank Festa, NPR; When is it OK to lie?

"Knowing when a friend or loved one is seeking honest feedback can be difficult. The best way to find out is to ask them what they need — do they want your opinion? Or do they want you to listen to them vent?"

Thursday, August 17, 2023

ALA Announces Steps to Support LGBTQIA+ Library Workers; American Libraries, August 9, 2023

  American Libraries; ALA Announces Steps to Support LGBTQIA+ Library Workers

"Recognizing the urgency to address and combat discriminatory practices targeting library workers within the LGBTQIA+ community, ALA is taking proactive steps to support and protect LGBTQIA+ library workers:

1.  Establishing a task force: ALA has created a task force composed of experts and stakeholders to develop a comprehensive strategy for addressing and tracking retaliatory employment cases against LGBTQIA+ library workers.

2.  Developing a supportive communications plan: The task force will work to formulate a communications plan that highlights the resources and support available from ALA, specifically tailored to the needs of the LGBTQIA+ library worker community.

Libraries are essential spaces for all people to safely explore and access information about the world around them. It is crucial to create safe work environments for LGBTQIA+ library workers, where they can continue their invaluable work in facilitating learning, discovery, and understanding for library users."

Sunday, April 3, 2022

NASA Administrator and Panel of 7 Astronauts Talk Leadership and Ethics; University of Central Florida, April 1, 2022

Zenaida Gonzalez Kotala, University of Central Florida ; NASA Administrator and Panel of 7 Astronauts Talk Leadership and Ethics

"It will take more than astronauts, engineers, and scientist to live in space. It will take clothes designers, food managers, communicators, artists, and a lot more.

That was one of the messages NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and several fellow former astronauts delivered Friday during a 90-minute presentation about leadership and ethics at the Plaza Live near downtown Orlando.

About 50 students from the University of Central Florida joined others from Bethune-Cookman, UF, USF and several local high schools for the free panel discussion, which was part of the Nelson Initiative on Ethics and Leadership based at the University of Florida. Nelson, a former U.S. Senator who flew on a space shuttle mission in 1986, moderated the discussion. The speakers included:

  • Charlie Bowden, pilot, and former NASA Administrator
  • Robert Lee “Hoot” Gibson, who flew with Nelson and served as chief of the Astronaut Office from 1992 to 1994
  • Rhea Seddon, retired astronaut and a surgeon
  • George Pinky Nelson, who is also a physicist and astronomer
  • Brewster Shaw, retired astronaut and former Boeing executive
  • Jim Weatherbee, retired U.S. Navy officer and former test pilot and aerospace engineer

The speakers talked about what it takes to be a leader, the courage needed to do the right thing and the many challenges they faced. For example, Bowden who is African American, couldn’t get any of his state representatives to appoint him to the Naval Academy. He eventually became an astronaut. Gibson first became a surgeon because the astronaut program was closed to women until the late 70s. She was among the first six women to join the NASA corp.

“Don’t listen to people who say you can’t do something,” Bolden said at the event. “You will always find people who don’t like you for one reason or another. Don’t waste your time explaining why you are there. Just do your job.”

Bolden also said people need to think about space in broader terms, as in STEAM, not just STEM.

“Of all the 18,000 people at NASA a very, very small percentage are engineers, scientists and payload specialists,” he said. “It takes everyone in a lot of different roles.”

All the astronauts encouraged students to pursue their passion and to be leaders in their own lives.

Weatherbee said the best leaders in extreme industries share three traits, which can be adopted into any field. These leaders have an intense commitment to a mission. They care about their people as people, not for what they can give the mission, but because you are interested in their individual success. And lastly, leaders are highly competent in their technical field and know how to communicate."

Monday, February 28, 2022

Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war; The Guardian, February 28, 2022

, The Guardian; Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war

"Nations are ultimately built on stories. Each passing day adds more stories that Ukrainians will tell not only in the dark days ahead, but in the decades and generations to come. The president who refused to flee the capital, telling the US that he needs ammunition, not a ride; the soldiers from Snake Island who told a Russian warship to “go fuck yourself”; the civilians who tried to stop Russian tanks by sitting in their path. This is the stuff nations are built from. In the long run, these stories count for more than tanks."

Friday, February 25, 2022

Vote now in the 2022 Morgridge Ethics Cartooning Competition; Morgridge Institute for Research, February 11, 2022

Morgridge Institute for Research ; Vote now in the 2022 Morgridge Ethics Cartooning Competition

"Sixteen cartoons have been selected as finalists in the 2022 Ethics Cartooning Competition, an annual contest sponsored by the Morgridge Institute. 

The competition encourages ethics conversations and deliberation among scientists conducting biomedical research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and affiliated biomedical research centers or institutes.

A panel of judges has chosen the following cartoons for display to the public. You can vote below and help determine the 2022 winners! 

This year’s cartoons depict a variety of research ethics topics, such as the ethics of scientific funding and publishing, the moral status of brain organoids, the ethics of experimenting on animals, environmental and social impacts of science, and problems of communication between scientists and non-scientists."

Monday, January 31, 2022

Remembering Thich Nhat Hanh, Brother Thay; On Being with Krista Tippett, January 27, 2022, Original Air Date September 25, 2003

On Being with Krista TippettRemembering Thich Nhat Hanh, Brother Thay

"TippettI wonder if you can think of, say, a situation where you think you might have done something differently than you would have before, a concrete way in which it changed your action or reaction in some way.

WardWhen my mother passed away, about seven years ago, I was actually on vacation with my wife and some friends in Costa Rica. And I was in a small village that only had two telephones, one private, one public; the public one did not work. This was around Christmastime. So when I was finally able to get a phone and call, I found out my mother died. And so I went — took three days to get back to Cleveland, where she was, and by that time, she was already buried. And my father was overwhelmed with grief. And he was so overwhelmed with grief that after the burial, he went home and he shut the door and he wouldn’t let any of the children in the house.

So I started sending him flowers and love letters over six months’ time. And I would go visit, and I’d sit outside the house and bring my flowers and put them on the porch — and this is after flying from Idaho or wherever I was — and I knew he was in there, and I’d leave them, and then I’d go on and visit my sister, you know, etc., etc. And finally he opened the door, which was, to me, opening the door to himself. And so now we’re in a totally different environment and a different situation. And I’m certain that without the practice, that is not how I would have responded to an experience of “rejection.”

I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. If I’d have been operating out of that mindset of my youth, I would’ve just said, you know, Forget you. And instead, I was able to understand what was happening to my father. I could see and feel his suffering, his tremendous heartbreak. I knew that he didn’t have any training in dealing with emotion — none. And I knew that in my family, my mother was the emotional intelligence, and that when she passed away, he had no skills, no capacity to handle the huge ocean of grief he found himself in. So my practice was to communicate to him that I was there for him, that I supported him, and that I loved him, but my practice also was to hold compassion for him and myself and my family so that we could all go through our grieving process peacefully, and at our own pace...

TippettA cynic would say, well, he can give these beautiful teachings about ending violence,  and then there are these individuals who come to a retreat like this, who are clearly taking this seriously and taking this back to their lives, but they’re just drops in the ocean.

WardThat is true. I am a drop in the ocean; but I’m also the ocean. I’m a drop in America, but I’m also America. Every pain, every confusion, every good and every bad and every ugly of America is in me. And as I’m able to transform myself and heal myself and take care of myself, I’m very conscious that I’m healing and transforming and taking care of America. Particularly I’m saying this for American cynics — [laughs] but this is also true globally. And so as we’re able, however small, however slowly, it’s for real.

TippettLarry Ward co-founded The Lotus Institute, a meditation center devoted to the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. In 2020 he published a new book, America’s Racial Karma: An Invitation to Heal."

Friday, April 10, 2020

Social distancing isn’t a personal choice. It’s an ethical duty.; Vox, April 9, 2020

Sarah-Vaughan Brakman, Vox; Social distancing isn’t a personal choice. It’s an ethical duty.

Why we should foreground our commitment to the common good in the fight against coronavirus.

"Social distancing is inconvenient at best, truly burdensome at worst. What hasn’t helped matters is the confusing messaging of why we should social distance at all. We’ve been conditioned to think social distancing is only about us — lowering the risk to one’s self and one’s family. And yet we’ve also been told that this is something we need to do to protect others. 
While not necessarily incorrect, both ways of thinking about it are not equal to the task before us. What we need is an exhortation to act that is grounded firmly in an ethical foundation, one that not only gets at the deeper purpose of social distancing, but that also lays the groundwork for a more resilient society on the other side of this crisis. We as a global society need to see social distancing as nothing less than an act of solidarity, an intentional choice that binds us in a common cause."

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Everyday ethics: Adapting to isolation; Reading Eagle, March 25, 2020

, Reading Eagle; Everyday ethics: Adapting to isolation

"And here is the irony of it all for me — that which I rejected, the virtual world of newspapers, schools, and public conversation, was more needed now than ever. The very reality I had rebelled against now is the means of keeping contact with the world outside.

I learned in school that adaptation is the key to human survival. It’s the one quality that has enabled us to survive changes. Adapt or die might be the motto that has kept us on this planet for so long. And that which I thought I had rejected has become the means by which I communicate with others.
Here's something else I learned these past few weeks of isolation. There is more than one way to connect with others.

My phone and laptop are means of communication, too. That which I developed over the many years of life —  the inner world —  became as important as the outer world. Whether through writing, meditation, walking, or listening to music, I do not feel alone. The real issue is not getting lost in either the inner or outer worlds in which we live but learning to balance both in one’s life."

Friday, March 20, 2020

Leadership In The Time Of COVID-19; Forbes, March 19, 2020

Mark Nevins, Forbes; Leadership In The Time Of COVID-19

"The reality of life post-COVID-19 has not fully sunk in yet, and its consequences for our businesses, organizations, economy, and society will play out over the rest of 2020 and beyond.  Right now, we really need sober, smart, values-driven, and focused leadership.  Remember the old adage, “Crisis does not build character, it reveals it.”...

There’s no “playbook” for leadership when the stakes are high, and there’s certainly no playbook for what to do in the face of a 21st Century pandemic.  We are all facing threats on multiple fronts at once: to self, family, employees, customers, suppliers and business partners, governmental and financial systems, and potentially our social fabric.  Even the Dean of the Harvard Business School can only offer a few good insights for companies facing this new reality, but no silver-bullet solutions.

So, what should you do if you’re responsible for a team, organization, or company?  Following are a few suggestions. (Note: the paragraphs below include carefully chosen links to help you in pragmatic ways—please click through.)...

Your employees will remember for a long time how they were treated during this crisis. Nothing drives employee loyalty and engagement more than knowing “my boss cares about me as a human being.” As a leader you should treat this COVID-19 crisis as a defining moment for yourself and your organization. Step up and lead accordingly."

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I used to hate Mister Rogers. Then I discovered how much I needed him.; The Washington Post, November 22, 2019

Martha Manning, The Washington Post; I used to hate Mister Rogers. Then I discovered how much I needed him.

"Mister Rogers gave comfort. He didn’t sell it. He didn’t knock us over the head with it. It wasn’t cool or sexy or easy. He considered the space between the television set and the viewer to be “sacred,” something millions of children understood — and that their parents forgot.

That’s a shame, because we were the ones who needed Mister Rogers’s wisdom most of all. The big words, long explanations and instructions about how to be and what to do that we favored often gave us little solace. Instead, we needed an honest voice who considered the darkness and met it with hope, who recognized self-hatred and met it with compassion.

As a child, Mister Rogers became extremely frightened by something on the news and wondered how he would ever be safe. His mother gave him simple but profound advice. “Always look for the helpers,” she told him, with the quiet certainty that they could always be found. Who are the helpers right here, right now, in our troubled lives?"

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Black-and-White World of Big Tech; The New York Times, October 24, 2019

, The New York Times; The Black-and-White World of Big Tech

Mark Zuckerberg presented us with an either-or choice of free speech — either we have it or we’re China. Tech leaders have a duty to admit it’s much more complicated.

"Mr. Zuckerberg presented us with an either-or choice of free speech — either we have free speech or we’re China. “Whether you like Facebook or not, I think we need to come together and stand for voice and free expression,” he said with an isn’t-this-obvious tone.

But, as anyone who has lived in the real world knows, it’s much more complex. And that was the main problem with his speech — and it’s also what is at the crux of the myriad concerns we have with tech these days: Big Tech’s leaders frame the debate in binary terms. 

Mr. Zuckerberg missed an opportunity to recognize that there has been a hidden and high price of all the dazzling tech of the last decade. In offering us a binary view for considering the impact of their inventions, many digital leaders avoid thinking harder about the costs of technological progress."