Will Bunch, The Philadelphia Inquirer; The Supreme Court ethics mess is today’s Watergate. Let’s treat it that way
"Democrats, or anyone else who cares about American democracy, need to turn up the knobs, considerably. For one thing, lawmakers, journalists, and the broader public need to understand that these ethical breaches aren’t coincidental, but all connected to a bigger conspiracy; the right’s determination to control the court as a check on democracy and our fundamental rights. Conservative kingmakers like Crow or the Federalist Society’s Leo want to offer like-minded justices — who make $285,400 a year — a billionaire’s lifestyle. These rainmakers want to keep Thomas and his fellow justices from either retiring or drifting leftward by enveloping them in a bubble of unthinkable opulence and personal wealth, where the only voices they hear are the pro-business prattle of the billionaire chewing on steak next to them."