Showing posts with label Pegasus spyware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pegasus spyware. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Pegasus spyware was used to hack reporters’ phones. I’m suing its creators; The Guardian, December 5, 2022

Nelson Rauda Zablah, The GuardianPegasus spyware was used to hack reporters’ phones. I’m suing its creators

"My colleagues weren’t just being trailed as they investigated that story. They, and at least 18 other members of El Faro – including me – had been the repeated targets of a weapons-grade espionage software called Pegasus. Pegasus is the gleaming toy of the Israel-based spyware firm NSO Group. Forensic analysis by the Citizen Lab and others found that Pegasus attacks in El Salvador started in June 2020 and continued until November 2021. In all, 35 journalists and members of civil society were spied on with this tool.

When you’re infected by Pegasus, spies effectively hold a clone of your phone. They can see everything, from your personal pictures and texts to your purchases and your selection and use of apps. When the spying was discovered I had to take measures that included exiting my family group chat and deleting my banking apps.

For journalists, this means spies can see every chat and phone call with our sources...

So, represented by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, 14 of my colleagues at El Faro and I have decided to sue NSO Group...

NSO executives shouldn’t be able to wash their hands as their tools are used to persecute journalists. In a very real sense, NSO set the hounds on us. And now we’re fighting back."