Showing posts with label Arnold Mesches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arnold Mesches. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2024

At 17, She Fell in Love With a 47-Year-Old. Now She Questions the Story.; The New York Times, June 10, 2024

 Alexandra Alter, The New York Times; At 17, She Fell in Love With a 47-Year-Old. Now She Questions the Story.

"Ciment decided to perform an autopsy on her memoir. The exercise yielded a new memoir, titled “Consent,” which Pantheon will release on Tuesday. With almost clinical detachment, Ciment investigates the flaws and factual lapses in her earlier work, and in doing so, questions the artifice inherent in memoir as a literary form.

“The whole idea of writing truth in a memoir is so preposterous,” Ciment said. “You have these scattered memories, and you’re trying to carve a story out of them.”"