Tuesday, September 17, 2024

New Gift Supports Research in AI, Ethics; Duquesne University, September 16, 2024

Duquesne University ; New Gift Supports Research in AI, Ethics

"Duquesne University’s Carl G. Grefenstette Center for Ethics in Science, Technology, and Law has received a $600,000 gift from the Henry L. Hillman Foundation to support the center’s mission to research ethical issues confronting society in the intersected fields of science, technology and law.

The center leverages the university’s expertise and commitment to the study of ethics to promote partnerships with leading institutions in order to become a transformational force for both Duquesne and the evolving global community. 
"We are grateful to the Henry L. Hillman Foundation for this latest generous gift to the Grefenstette Center,” said Duquesne University President Ken Gormley. “This new funding will allow the center to ramp up its work as a pivotal player in the modern field of ethics at a time when technology is changing at a rapid pace and creating new societal challenges.”
The Grefenstette Center is the first in the world to bring Catholic, Spiritan values and ideals in an ecumenical framework to grapple with the growing challenges presented by science and technology in society. The center hosts an annual tech ethics symposium, a student-focused hackathon (hacking4humanity) and regularly supports and publishes new research at the intersection of ethics, technology, science, and faith. 

Led by Executive Director Dr. John Slattery, the center was recently named part of the National AI Safety Institute Consortium." 

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