Wednesday, September 4, 2024

From School Librarian to Activist: ‘The Hate Level and the Vitriol Is Unreal’; The New York Times, September 3, 2024

 , The New York Times; From School Librarian to Activist: ‘The Hate Level and the Vitriol Is Unreal'

"She was alarmed when Lunsford, in a recent YouTube video, put her home address on the screen when he pulled up the business filings for Louisiana Citizens Against Censorship to show that she was listed as one of the organization’s directors.

“It’s Banana Jones, the girl who sued us because she couldn’t take the heat,” he says, while displaying her address. Asked about the video in an interview, Lunsford said he had “no idea” that it was her home address and was simply sharing a public business record.

Still, there have also been hopeful moments for Jones. Former students have reached out with messages of support. Authors whose books have been banned have praised her memoir, including Nikki Grimes, Jodi Picoult and Ellen Oh.

And Jones has been hearing from other librarians from around the country. Some are grateful that she has taken a stand. Others share distressing stories about harassment that they’ve faced for opposing book bans."

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