Showing posts with label video game designers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video game designers. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pokémon Go: 9 questions about the game you were too embarrassed to ask; Vox, 7/13/16

Alex Abad-Santos, Vox; Pokémon Go: 9 questions about the game you were too embarrassed to ask:
"8) What’s this I’ve heard about Pokémon appearing at the Holocaust Museum and ground zero?
According to the Washington Post, there are people using the game at the Holocaust Museum. There are also reports of people using the app at the 9/11 Memorial. Many people are understandably upset that people are flicking their phones and playing Pokémon in a solemn place.
This problem is the fault of both the developer of Pokémon Go and its players.
Basically, the game features landmarks called PokéStops, where you can collect various items that will help you in your Pokémon-catching quest. And the Holocaust Museum and Ground Zero memorial are PokéStops.
And, yes, that’s weird and inappropriate."