""Students need to ask if ethics is integrated into all classes," Scott MacDonald, the director of the MBA program at the University of Dayton's School of Business Administration, wrote in an email. "Does the curriculum integrate ethics into finance, marketing, operations etc. or does the program just offer a stand-alone ethics class? How ingrained is ethics in the DNA of the school?”
Leigh Hafrey, a senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management
who teaches courses on professional ethics, says discussion-based
ethics courses are particularly valuable. "I have attended many very
good lectures on ethics, and that certainly qualifies as a legitimate
method to convey ethics instruction, but I do think that the opportunity
to participate in the conversation makes a huge difference," Hafrey
says. "It gives the student ownership … and invites them to take an
active stance on issues of major concern to all of us and the
organizations in which we work.""