Showing posts with label activism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activism. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

How to Keep Your Own Soul Safe in the Dark; The New York Times, December 9, 2024

, The New York Times ; How to Keep Your Own Soul Safe in the Dark

"At my lowest, I have never entirely given up my faith that good people working together can change the world for the better. When I have been downhearted in the past, I have always explained to myself that I am not alone in my efforts to cultivate change — by writing, by planting, by loving the living world in every way I can find to love it. Individual efforts gather momentum through the individual efforts of others.

Men in power did not wake up one morning and decide to give women the vote. White Southerners did not wake up one morning and decide to dismantle Jim Crow. Those things happened, if imperfectly and still incompletely, because hundreds of thousands of people worked together for years to make them happen...

So I am taking comfort from Wendell Berry, who has lived a life of ceaseless protest against the desecration of the earth and its creatures (most recently in an essay for The Christian Century called “Against Killing Children”). Even at 90, he is not asking himself what the point is...

In saving the leaves for the moths and the fireflies and the dark-eyed juncos, I am still trying. And in the trying perhaps I can save my own soul."

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Don’t forget how the movement that changed Hollywood started: With great reporting; Washington Post, March 4, 2018

Margaret Sullivan, Washington Post; Don’t forget how the movement that changed Hollywood started: With great reporting

"The world has changed since last year’s Oscars — and for the better.

So let’s not forget what got us there: great journalism.

Legacy media companies may be under constant criticism, and trust in the press may be at a low point.

But less than six months after the New York Times broke its first story about abusive film mogul Harvey Weinstein in early October — quickly followed by more revelations from the New Yorker magazine — American culture has been flipped on its head.

Nothing is the same: Not awards shows, not the corporate workplace, not national politics."