Saturday, June 8, 2024

Supreme Court Set to Decide Landmark Cases Amid Ethics Controversies; KQED, June 10, 2024

Mina Kim , KQED; Supreme Court Set to Decide Landmark Cases Amid Ethics Controversies

"With its term drawing to a close, the U.S. Supreme Court is getting ready to rule on major issues like abortion access, gun regulations, and whether former president Trump has immunity from civil litigation. Meanwhile, Justice Samuel Alito is still facing questions – and calls for recusal– over political flags flown at his houses. We’ll discuss the ethics controversies swirling around the court and look at what the upcoming rulings could mean for the presidential election… the country… and you.


Vikram Amar, professor of law, UC Davis School of Law - He clerked for Justice Harry A. Blackmun of the United States Supreme Court.

Mary Ziegler, professor of law, UC Davis School of Law - Her most recent book is "Roe: The History of a National Obsession.""

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