Tuesday, June 4, 2024

AI & THE CHURCH SUMMIT: NAVIGATING THE ETHICAL FRONTIER; Virginia Theological Seminary, June 4, 2024


"As Artificial Intelligence (AI) rapidly permeates our world, the church must grapple with its profound implications or we risk being caught behind the curve.

The AI & The Church Summit, a joint initiative of TryTank, Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), will foster crucial dialogue on this pivotal issue. The summit – to be held August 12-15 in Seattle, WA—will explore AI’s potential to address global challenges while critically examining ethical dilemmas like exacerbating inequality and threats to human dignity. We simply cannot shrink from the church’s role in advocating for ethical, human-centered AI development that protects the vulnerable.

Keynote speaker Father Paolo Benanti, the Vatican’s AI ethics advisor, will guide our conversation. His extensive work with Pope Francis positions him uniquely to address the need for global AI governance serving humanity’s interests. We will also have expert engagement, reflection, and dialogue, as we delve into AI’s moral, theological, and societal impacts.

Critically, this invitation-only event seeds ongoing collaboration. Each denomination will send 15 leaders committed to sustaining momentum through monthly discussions after the summit. The AI & The Church Summit presents a pivotal opportunity to envision an ethical AI future upholding human dignity. Let us lead this frontier.

Find out more to join us here.

The Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija, DMin, MBA
Chief Innovation Officer, VTS
Executive Director, TryTank Research Institute"

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