Showing posts with label wilderness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wilderness. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Forget the Yacht. The Best Travel Is on Foot, Through Wilderness.; The New York Times, September 7, 2024

, The New York Times; Forget the Yacht. The Best Travel Is on Foot, Through Wilderness

"It was in this same period that I developed a passion for backpacking, and I suspect that I unconsciously prescribed myself wilderness therapy to heal.

It works. I see wild spaces as a place to think, to escape cellphones and editors (sorry, boss!), to connect with loved ones, to be dazzled and humbled by the vastness of space and the slowness of geologic time, to escape class divides, to purge ourselves of frustrations and political toxicity, to bare our souls, to be recharged.

Thank God for America’s best idea."