Showing posts with label vulgar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vulgar. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

This is Donald Trump at his lowest yet: a man hinting at murder; Guardian, 8/9/16

Lucia Graves, Guardian; This is Donald Trump at his lowest yet: a man hinting at murder:
"Rebecca Traister has written brilliantly on the long history of powerful men like Trump who would delegitimize the ascent of women and minorities. But this – to have the nominee of a major party appear to encourage his supporters to assassinate his opponent – is unlike anything we’ve seen before, quite likely for the simple reason that we’ve never had a woman this close to the White House steps.
Just as the birther movement that Trump helped lead was thinly-veiled racism rooted in the belief that a black man couldn’t possibly legitimately be the president, Trump’s insistence that “crooked Hillary” has “stolen” the election thrives among those who are angry that power could be taken from them by a woman, and specifically this one.
It’s vulgar, un-American and undemocratic. And it was only a matter of time."