Showing posts with label need for ethical governance of generative AI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label need for ethical governance of generative AI. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2024

AI Ethics for Peace; L'Osservatore Romano, July 12, 2024

 L'Osservatore Romano; AI Ethics for Peace

"Eleven World Religions, sixteen new signatories, thirteen nations in attendance, more than 150 participants: these are some of the numbers of AI Ethics for Peace, the historic multireligious event held in Hiroshima, Japan, on 9 and 10 July...

The choice to hold this event in Hiroshima has a deeply symbolic meaning, because no other city like it bears witness to the consequences of destructive technology and the need for a lasting quest for peace.

AI Ethics for Peace, over two days, brought together the world’s major religions to underscore their crucial importance in shaping a society in which, in the face of the relentless acceleration of technology, the call for technological development that protects the dignity of each individual human being and the entire planet becomes a reality.

This will be possible only if algorethics, that is, the development and application of an ethics of artificial intelligence, becomes an indispensable element by design, i.e. from the moment of its design.

Remarkable was the talk by Father Paolo Benanti, Professor of Ethics of Technology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, who presented the Hiroshima Addendum on Generative AI. This document focuses on the need for ethical governance of generative AI — an ongoing and iterative process that requires a sustained commitment from all stakeholders so that its potential is used for the good of humanity.

The application of Rome Call principles to the reality of the tech world and the responsibility that AI producers share were witnessed by the attending big tech leaders."