Showing posts with label classifying non-fiction book as fiction book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classifying non-fiction book as fiction book. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Houston-area library moves Indigenous history book to fiction section; Lonestar Live, October 14, 2024

Ileana Garnad, Lonestar Live; Houston-area library moves Indigenous history book to fiction section

"A Houston-area public library reclassified a nonfiction children’s book about Native American history as fiction, after the title was reviewed by citizens, not librarians.

“I can only assume it is because it is a telling of the history of Indigenous people that they do not approve of,” said Teresa Kenney, a Montgomery County resident and founder of the Village Books store.

In September, “Colonization and the Wampanoag Story,” by Linda Coombs, was challenged in Montgomery County libraries by an unknown person, according to public records obtained by Kenney. Per county policy, the book was reviewed by a group of five citizens who weren’t required to consult a librarian...

The group’s meetings are closed to the public, so it is unclear why the book was reclassified as fiction. Details about the reconsideration committee, including its members, are not available on the county and library system websites."