Showing posts with label AI transparency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AI transparency. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Microsoft’s “responsible AI” chief worries about the open web; The Washington Post, May 1, 2024

, The Washington Post ; Microsoft’s “responsible AI” chief worries about the open web

"As tech giants move toward a world in which chatbots supplement, and perhaps supplant, search engines, the Microsoft executive assigned to make sure AI is used responsibly said the industry has to be careful not to break the business model of the wider web. Search engines citing and linking to the websites they draw from is “part of the core bargain of search,” Natasha Crampton said in an interview Monday.

Crampton, Microsoft’s chief Responsible AI officer, spoke with The Technology 202 ahead of Microsoft’s release today of its first “Responsible AI Transparency Report.” The 39-page report, which the company is billing as the first of its kind from a major tech firm, details how Microsoft plans to keep its rapidly expanding stable of AI tools from wreaking havoc. 

It makes the case that the company has closely integrated Crampton’s Responsible AI team into its development of new AI products. It also details the progress the company has made toward meeting some of the Voluntary AI Commitments that Microsoft and other tech giants signed on to in September as part of the Biden administration’s push to regulate artificial intelligence. Those include developing safety evaluation systems for its AI cloud tools, expanding its internal AI “red teams,” and allowing users to mark images as AI-generated."

Responsible AI Transparency Report; Microsoft, May 2024

 Microsoft; Responsible AI Transparency Report