Thursday, September 27, 2018

92% Of AI Leaders Now Training Developers In Ethics, But 'Killer Robots' Are Already Being Built; Forbes, September 26, 2018

John Koetsier, Forbes; 92% Of AI Leaders Now Training Developers In Ethics, But 'Killer Robots' Are Already Being Built

""Organizations have begun addressing concerns and aberrations that AI has been known to cause, such as biased and unfair treatment of people,” Rumman Chowdhury, Responsible AI Lead at Accenture Applied Intelligence, said in a statement. “Organizations need to move beyond directional AI ethics codes that are in the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath to ‘do no harm.’ They need to provide prescriptive, specific and technical guidelines to develop AI systems that are secure, transparent, explainable, and accountable – to avoid unintended consequences and compliance challenges that can be harmful to individuals, businesses, and society.""

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